
Add the context of a json parse error to the error message with syntax highlighting if possible.
json parse terminal friendly syntax highlighting

json-parse-context - One Amex

Add the context of a json parse error to the error message with syntax highlighting if possible.

npm Main Health Check

📖 Table of Contents

✨ Features


const jsonParseContext = require('json-parse-context');

  "going": "to"
  "fail" true

terminal screenshot showing the line with a JSON syntax error surrounded by the previous and following lines

🎛️ API

jsonParseContext(serialized [, reviver [, options]])

📜 Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run test:git-history

Validates commit messages using commitlint

npm run test:lint

Verifies that your code matches the American Express code style defined in eslint-config-amex.

npm run test:lockfile

Validates package-lock.json with [`lockfile-lint](https://www.npmjs.com/package/lockfile-lint)

npm run test:unit

Runs the unit tests using jest with the presets defined in amex-jest-preset.

npm test

Runs all of the above test:* commands

🎣 Git Hooks

These commands will be automatically run during normal git operations like committing code.


This hook runs npm test before allowing a commit to be checked in.


This hook verifies that your commit message matches the One Amex conventions. See the commit message section in the contribution guidelines.

🏆 Contributing

See contributing guidelines

🗝️ License

Any contributions made under this project will be governed by the Apache License 2.0.

🗣️ Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the American Express Community Guidelines. By participating, you are expected to honor these guidelines.

npm i json-parse-context


