
JSON diff

JSON structural diff

Does exactly what you think it does:



    npm install -g json-diff

Contribution policy

  1. This project is maintained thanks to your contributions! Please send pull requests.

  2. I will merge any pull request that adds something useful, does not break existing things, has reasonable code quality and provides/updates tests where appropriate.

  3. Anyone who gets a significant pull request merged gets commit access to the repository.



    json-diff a.json b.json


    % json-diff --help

    Usage: json-diff [-vCjfonskKp] first.json second.json

    <first.json>          Old file
    <second.json>         New file

    General options:
    -v, --verbose         Output progress info
    -C, --[no-]color      Colored output
    -j, --raw-json        Display raw JSON encoding of the diff
    -f, --full            Include the equal sections of the document, not just the deltas
        --max-elisions COUNT  Max number of ...s to show in a row in "deltas" mode (before
                                collapsing them)

    -o, --output-keys KEYS  Always print this comma separated keys, with their value, if they are
                            part of an object with any diff

    -x, --exclude-keys KEYS  Exclude these comma separated keys from comparison on both files

    -n, --output-new-only   Output only the updated and new key/value pairs (without marking them as
                            such). If you need only the diffs from the old file, just exchange the
                            first and second json.

    -s, --sort            Sort primitive values in arrays before comparing
    -k, --keys-only       Compare only the keys, ignore the differences in values
    -K, --keep-unchanged-values   Instead of omitting values that are equal, output them as they are
    -p, --precision DECIMALS  Round all floating point numbers to this number of decimal places prior
                                to comparison

    -h, --help            Display this usage information

In javascript (ES5):

var jsonDiff = require('json-diff');

console.log(jsonDiff.diffString({ foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'baz' }));
// Output:
//  {
// -  foo: "bar"
// +  foo: "baz"
//  }

// As above, but without console colors
console.log(jsonDiff.diffString({ foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'baz' }, { color: false }));

// Raw output:
console.log(jsonDiff.diff({ foo: 'bar', b: 3 }, { foo: 'baz', b: 3 }));
// Output:
// { foo: { __old: 'bar', __new: 'baz' } }

// Passing in the "full" option:
console.log(jsonDiff.diff({ foo: 'bar', b: 3 }, { foo: 'baz', b: 3 }, { full: true }));
// Output:
// { foo: { __old: 'bar', __new: 'baz' }, b: 3 }

In javascript (ES6+):

import { diffString, diff } from 'json-diff';

console.log(diffString({ foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'baz' }));
console.log(diff({ foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'baz' }));


  • colorized, diff-like output
  • fuzzy matching of modified array elements (when array elements are object hierarchies)
  • "keysOnly" option to compare only the json structure (keys), ignoring the values
  • "full" option to output the entire json tree, not just the deltas
  • "outputKeys" option to always output the given keys for an object that has differences
  • reasonable test coverage (far from 100%, though)

Output Language in Raw-json mode ("full" mode)


Unless two arrays are equal, all array elements are transformed into 2-tuple arrays:

  • The first element is a one character string denoting the equality ('+', '-', '~', ' ')
  • The second element is the old (-), new (+), altered sub-object (~), or unchanged (' ') value
    json-diff.js --full --raw-json <(echo '[1,7,3]') <(echo '[1,2,3]')
         [ [ " ", 1 ], [ "-", 7 ], [ "+", 2 ], [ " ", 3 ] ]
    json-diff.js --full --raw-json <(echo '[1,["a","b"],4]') <(echo '[1,["a","c"],4]')
         [ [ " ", 1 ], [ "~", [ [ " ", "a" ], [ "-", "b" ], [ "+", "c" ] ] ], [ " ", 4 ] ]
  • If two arrays are equal, they are left as is.


Object property values:

  • If equal, they are left as is
  • Unequal scalar values are replaced by an object containing the old and new value:
    json-diff.js --full  --raw-json <(echo '{"a":4}') <(echo '{"a":5}')
        { "a": { "__old": 4, "__new": 5 } }
  • Unequal arrays and objects are replaced by their diff:
    json-diff.js --full  --raw-json <(echo '{"a":[4,5]}') <(echo '{"a":[4,6]}')
        { "a": [ [ " ", 4 ], [ "-", 5 ], [ "+", 6 ] ] }

Object property keys:

  • Object keys that are deleted or added between two objects are marked as such:
    json-diff.js --full  --raw-json <(echo '{"a":[4,5]}') <(echo '{"b":[4,5]}')
        { "a__deleted": [ 4, 5 ], "b__added": [ 4, 5 ] }
    json-diff.js --full  --raw-json <(echo '{"a":[4,5]}') <(echo '{"b":[4,6]}')
        { "a__deleted": [ 4, 5 ], "b__added": [ 4, 6 ] }

Non-full mode

  • In regular, delta-only (non-"full") mode, equal properties and values are omitted:
    json-diff.js --raw-json <(echo '{"a":4, "b":6}') <(echo '{"a":5,"b":6}')
        { "a": { "__old": 4, "__new": 5 } }
  • Equal array elements are represented by a one-tuple containing only a space " ":
    json-diff.js --raw-json <(echo '[1,7,3]') <(echo '[1,2,3]')
        [ [ " " ], [ "-", 7 ], [ "+", 2 ], [ " " ] ]



    npm test


Open to View Test Output 🔽
[email protected] test
coffee -c test; mocha test/*.js

colorizeToArray ✔ should return ' ' for a scalar value ✔ should return ' ' for 'null' value ✔ should return ' ' for 'false' value ✔ should return '-', '+' for a scalar diff ✔ should return '-', '+' for 'null' and 'false' diff ✔ should return '-: ' for an object diff with a removed key ✔ should return '+: ' for an object diff with an added key ✔ should return '+: ' for an object diff with an added key with 'null' value ✔ should return '+: ' for an object diff with an added key with 'false' value ✔ should return '+: ' for an object diff with an added key and a non-scalar value ✔ should return ' : ' for an object diff with a modified key ✔ should return '+' for an array diff ✔ should return '-' for an array diff ✔ should handle an array diff with subobject diff ✔ should collapse long sequences of identical subobjects into one '...'

colorize ✔ should return a string with ANSI escapes ✔ should return a string without ANSI escapes on { color: false }

diff with simple scalar values ✔ should return undefined for two identical numbers ✔ should return undefined for two identical strings ✔ should return { __old: , __new: } object for two different numbers with objects ✔ should return undefined for two empty objects ✔ should return undefined for two objects with identical contents ✔ should return undefined for two object hierarchies with identical contents ✔ should return { __deleted: } when the second object is missing a key ✔ should return { __added: } when the first object is missing a key ✔ should return { : { __old: , __new: } } for two objects with different scalar values for a key ✔ should return { : } with a recursive diff for two objects with different values for a key with arrays of scalars ✔ should return undefined for two arrays with identical contents ✔ should return [..., ['-', ], ...] for two arrays when the second array is missing a value ✔ should return [..., ['+', ], ...] for two arrays when the second one has an extra value ✔ should return [..., ['+', ]] for two arrays when the second one has an extra value at the end (edge case test) with arrays of objects ✔ should return undefined for two arrays with identical contents ✔ should return undefined for two arrays with identical, empty object contents ✔ should return undefined for two arrays with identical, empty array contents ✔ should return undefined for two arrays with identical array contents including 'null' ✔ should return undefined for two arrays with identical, repeated contents ✔ should return [..., ['-', ], ...] for two arrays when the second array is missing a value ✔ should return [..., ['+', ], ...] for two arrays when the second array has an extra value ✔ should return [['+', ], ..., ['+', ]] for two arrays containing objects of 3 or more properties when the second array has extra values (fixes issue #57) ✔ should return [..., ['+', ], ...] for two arrays when the second array has a new but nearly identical object added ✔ should return [..., ['~', ], ...] for two arrays when an item has been modified with reported bugs ✔ should handle type mismatch during scalarize ✔ should handle mixed scalars and non-scalars in scalarize

diff({sort: true}) with arrays ✔ should return undefined for two arrays with the same contents in different order

diff({keepUnchangedValues: true}) with nested object ✔ should return partial object with modified and unmodified elements in the edited scope

diff({full: true}) with simple scalar values ✔ should return the number for two identical numbers ✔ should return the string for two identical strings ✔ should return { __old: , __new: } object for two different numbers with objects ✔ should return an empty object for two empty objects ✔ should return the object for two objects with identical contents ✔ should return the object for two object hierarchies with identical contents ✔ should return { __deleted: , } when the second object is missing a key ✔ should return { __added: , } when the first object is missing a key ✔ should return { : { __old: , __new: } } for two objects with different scalar values for a key ✔ should return { : , } with a recursive diff for two objects with different values for a key ✔ should return { : , } with a recursive diff for two objects with different values for a key with arrays of scalars ✔ should return an array showing no changes for any element for two arrays with identical contents ✔ should return [[' ', ], ['-', ], [' ', ]] for two arrays when the second array is missing a value ✔ should return [' ', ], ['+', ], [' ', ]] for two arrays when the second one has an extra value ✔ should return [' ', s], ['+', ]] for two arrays when the second one has an extra value at the end (edge case test) with arrays of objects ✔ should return an array of unchanged elements for two arrays with identical contents ✔ should return an array with an unchanged element for two arrays with identical, empty object contents ✔ should return an array with an unchanged element for two arrays with identical, empty array contents ✔ should return an array of unchanged elements for two arrays with identical array contents including 'null' ✔ should return an array of unchanged elements for two arrays with identical, repeated contents ✔ should return [[' ', ], ['-', ], [' ', ]] for two arrays when the second array is missing a value ✔ should return [[' ', ], ['+', ], [' ', ]] for two arrays when the second array has an extra value ✔ should return [[' ', ], ['+', ], [' ', ]] for two arrays when the second array has a new but nearly identical object added ✔ should return [[' ', ], ['~', ], [' ', ]] for two arrays when an item has been modified

diff({ outputKeys: foo,bar } ✔ should return keys foo and bar although they have no changes ✔ should return keys foo (with addition) and bar (with no changes) ✔ should return keys foo and bar (with addition) ✔ should return nothing as the entire object is equal, no matter that show keys has some of them ✔ should return the keys of an entire object although it has no changes

diff({keysOnly: true}) with simple scalar values ✔ should return undefined for two identical numbers ✔ should return undefined for two identical strings ✔ should return undefined object for two different numbers with objects ✔ should return undefined for two empty objects ✔ should return undefined for two objects with identical contents ✔ should return undefined for two object hierarchies with identical contents ✔ should return { __deleted: } when the second object is missing a key ✔ should return { __added: } when the first object is missing a key ✔ should return undefined for two objects with different scalar values for a key ✔ should return undefined with a recursive diff for two objects with different values for a key ✔ should return { : } with a recursive diff when second object is missing a key and two objects with different values for a key with arrays of scalars ✔ should return undefined for two arrays with identical contents ✔ should return undefined for two arrays with when an item has been modified ✔ should return [..., ['-', ], ...] for two arrays when the second array is missing a value ✔ should return [..., ['+', ], ...] for two arrays when the second one has an extra value ✔ should return [..., ['+', ]] for two arrays when the second one has an extra value at the end (edge case test) with arrays of objects ✔ should return undefined for two arrays with identical contents ✔ should return undefined for two arrays with identical, empty object contents ✔ should return undefined for two arrays with identical, empty array contents ✔ should return undefined for two arrays with identical, repeated contents ✔ should return [..., ['-', ], ...] for two arrays when the second array is missing a value ✔ should return [..., ['+', ], ...] for two arrays when the second array has an extra value ✔ should return [..., ['~', ], ...] for two arrays when an item has been modified

diffString ✔ should produce the expected result for the example JSON files ✔ should produce the expected result for the example JSON files with precision set to 1 ✔ should produce the expected colored result for the example JSON files ✔ return an empty string when no diff found

diff({ outputNewOnly: true } ✔ should return only new diffs (added) ✔ should return only new diffs (changed) ✔ should return only new diffs (deleted) ✔ should return only old diffs - exchanged first and second json (added) ✔ should return only old diffs - exchanged first and second json (changed) ✔ should return only old diffs - exchanged first and second json (deleted)

107 passing (74ms)

Change Log

  • 1.0.6 Comment out another debugging output.
  • 1.0.5 Comment out debugging output(!)
  • 1.0.4 Fix typo that broke -o/--output-keys
  • 1.0.3 Change from cli-color to colors to reduce package size.
  • 1.0.2 Add colorize and colorizeToCallback to module exports (Fix bug #103)
  • 1.0.1 Bug fixes: Properly compare date objects; properly exclude keys with -x; improve README readability.
  • 1.0.0 Properly distinguish list elements with identical strings of different types e.g. ["true"] vs [true], ["0"] vs [0] (enabled by switching to a new difflib)
  • 0.10.0 Add --exclude-keys
  • 0.9.1 Fix bug #88
  • 0.9.0 Add --output-new-only option
  • 0.8.0 Add --keep-unchanged-values option
  • 0.7.4 Fix bug #76
  • 0.7.3 Revert use of ?? operator in 0.7.2 (which caused a breaking change)
  • 0.7.2 Add --maxElisions and --precision options.
  • 0.7.1 Add --output-keys option.
  • 0.7.0 Add --sort option.
  • 0.6.3 Fix ticket #68.
  • 0.6.2 Provide examples of setting mode from code.
  • 0.6.1 Return exit code 0. Update cli-color to the latest version.
  • 0.6.0 Convert project code to ES6.
  • 0.5.5 Fix bug in scalarize fuzzy compare logic.
  • 0.4.0 Add --keys-only feature.


© Andrey Tarantsov. Distributed under the MIT license.

npm i json-diff


  • MIT
  • *
  • Andrey Tarantsov
  • released 5/15/2023
