
jsdoc documentation generator
documentation docs markdown jsdoc jade dox gruntplugin


A jsdoc-ish documentation generator forked from visionmedia/dox.

Differences from visionmedia/dox

  • Allows multiline tag comments.
  • Supports code context on string key properties like someobject['asdf-jkl'].
  • Code context and parsing for more things:
    • @event
    • @fires
    • @auth
    • @augments
  • Uses a supported markdown parser (marked) instead of the old deprecated one.
  • Includes a grunt plugin jsdoxy.
    • Comments are organized into a plain object with the @class MyClass tag as the key.
    • Optionally renders the JSON output using Jade.


Note You must use the @class comment as your first comment per file. @class myClass is used to organize the output (this is different than the original Dox project. If you fail to do this, you will have no output.


One file at a time.

npm install -g jsdoxy

You can do this from the terminal

$>  jsdoxy --help

  Usage: jsdoxy [options]


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number
    -r, --raw      output "raw" comments, leaving the markdown intact
    -a, --api      output markdown readme documentation
    -d, --debug    output parsed comments for debugging


    # stdin
    $ jsdoxy > myfile.json

    # operates over stdio
    $ jsdoxy < myfile.js > myfile.json

Grunt plugin

Multiple files at a time, organizing the output by the @class tag, optionally rendered using a jade template.

Install the package to your project with NPM

npm install jsdoxy --save-dev

then in your source code, the @class tag should always be part of the first comment

     * A class that does something.
     * Use it in this way.
     * @class MyClass
     * @param object opts Some parameters to get you started.
    function MyClass (opts) {
        . . .

then inside Gruntfile.js at the project root


        jsdoxy: {
            options: {
                // JSON data representing your code. Not optional.
                jsonOutput: 'jsdoxy-output.json',

                // A Jade template which will receive the locals below. Optional.
                // Set to `false` to disable building this template. Other falsey values
                // will use the default template.
                template: 'your-template.jade',
                // when using a template, what is the base path for all of the links
                // to work from?
                basePath: '', // '/docs'

                // Indicates whether to output things marked @private when building docs
                outputPrivate: false,
                // make an index landing page
                generateIndex: false,
                // flatten the outputted files into one directory
                flatten: false,
                // path to a custom stylesheet
                stylesheet: "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootswatch/3.3.4/paper/bootstrap.min.css"
            files: {
                src: [ . . . ],
                dest: '. . .'

yields jsdoxy-output.json

        "MyClass": {
            "tags": [
                    "type": "class",
                    "string": "MyClass"
                    "type": "param",
                    "types": [
                    "name": "opts",
                    "description": "Some parameters to get you started."
             "returns": "Object || String",
             "fires": [{ "type": "fires", "string": "some-event" }],
             "description": {
               "full": "<p>A class that does something.</p><p>Use it in this way.</p>",
               "summary": "<p>A class that does something.</p>",
               "body": "<p>Use it in this way.</p>"
            "isPrivate": false,
            "ignore": false,
            "code": "function MyClass(opts) { . . . }",
            "ctx": {
                "type": "declaration",
                "name": "MyClass",
                "string": "idk what goes here",
                "file": {
                	"input": "./input/file/path/file.js",
                	"output": "./output/file/path/file.js.json"

Jade template

There is a default template which will be used unless you pass the config option template: false.

If you pass an empty string or do not include anything, it will render using the default-template.jade in this repository.

The jade template will receive the following locals:

    var jadeLocals = {
      structure:  organizedByClass,
      comments:   thisClassDocs,
      className:  classKey,
      link: classCommentLink,
      files: allFileLinks,
      basePath: basePath,
      filenameOut: filenameOut

Default template

default jade jsdoxy template

Markdown files

Any markdown files with the extension .md will be turned into HTML files and rendered with the jade template.

Overriding the default template CSS classes

The following CSS classes are exposed:

  • .docs
  • .docs--sidebar
  • .docs--main
  • .docs--subtitle
  • .docs--title


(c) 2014 - 2015 Jeff H. Parrish

[email protected]


Forked from tj/dox

npm i jsdoxy


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jeff Parrish
  • released 7/15/2015

