
A JSDoc plugin that transforms ES6 source files with Babel before they are processsed.
jsdoc babel plugin

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A JSDoc plugin that transforms source files with Babel before they are processed.

JSDoc uses the Babylon JavaScript parser since version 3.5.0, which means that JSDoc can parse any JavaScript or JSX file that is supported by the Babel compiler. You may not need to use this plugin unless you need to preprocess unsupported syntax in your source code.


The jsdoc-babel plugin can be installed using NPM.

npm install jsdoc-babel --save-dev


To use plugin you should include the plugin module in the plugins array of JSDoc's configuration file.

    "plugins": ["node_modules/jsdoc-babel"]

Processing files with different extensions

By default, the plugin only processes files that have a .js extension. You could enable transformation for other file extensions by adding the following settings to your JSDoc configuration file:

    "plugins": ["node_modules/jsdoc-babel"],
    "babel": {
        "extensions": ["js", "es6", "jsx"]

Passing options through Babel

If Babel can resolve a .babelrc file in your project, it will be parsed as the transformer options.

Alternatively, you can define options to be passed through Babel by adding them to your JSDoc configuration file:

    "plugins": ["node_modules/jsdoc-babel"],
    "babel": {
        "presets": ["@babel/env"]

Note that options defined in the JSDoc configuration file will take precedence over those defined in your .babelrc file.

If you would prefer to disable .babelrc file resolution, you can use the babelrc option:

    "plugins": ["node_modules/jsdoc-babel"],
    "babel": {
        "presets": ["@babel/env"],
        "babelrc": false



npm i jsdoc-babel


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Christian Munoz
  • released 9/1/2018

