
A programmatic interface for jsdoc
jsdoc api programmatic interface javascript documentation

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A programmatic interface for jsdoc3 with a few features:

  • Asynchronous 'explain' and 'render documentation' methods (the two main jsdoc operations).
  • Input (source code) can supplied as a string or set of file names and/or globs.
  • Optional caching, dramatically speeding up future invocations with the same input.


To output an array of json objects, each representing a doclet, use .explain(). Pass in an array of file names and/or glob expressions. Use the cache: true flag for a faster, more efficient invocation (cached output from a prior invocation will be returned if the input has not changed).

import jsdoc from 'jsdoc-api'

const data = await jsdoc.explain({ files: ['index.js', 'lib/*.js'], cache: true })

Typical output (truncated):

        comment: '/**\n' +
          '  * The [cache-point](https://github.com/75lb/cache-point) instance used when `cache: true` is specified on `.explain()`.\n' +
          '  * @type {external:cache-point}\n' +
          '  */',
        meta: {
          range: [ 491, 554 ],
          filename: 'index.js',
          lineno: 21,
          columnno: 6,
          path: '/Users/lloyd/Documents/jsdoc2md/jsdoc-api',
          code: { id: 'astnode100000027', name: 'cache', type: 'NewExpression', value: '' }
        description: 'The [cache-point](https://github.com/75lb/cache-point) instance used when `cache: true` is specified on `.explain()`.',
        type: { names: [ 'external:cache-point' ] },
        name: 'cache',
        longname: 'module:jsdoc-api~cache',
        kind: 'constant',
        scope: 'inner',
        memberof: 'module:jsdoc-api',
        params: []
    // etc
    // etc

As an alternative to passing in file names/globs (above), you can pass in one or more source code strings.

import jsdoc from 'jsdoc-api'

const data = await jsdoc.explain({ source: '/** example doclet */ \n var example = true' })


    comment: '/** example doclet */',
    meta: {
      range: [ 28, 42 ],
      filename: '934b1fbe2810.js',
      lineno: 2,
      columnno: 5,
      path: '/var/folders/bt/jgn73jf50vsb5gj92dk00v3r0000gn/T/jsdoc-api-W854dk',
      code: { id: 'astnode100000003', name: 'example', type: 'Literal', value: true }
    description: 'example doclet',
    name: 'example',
    longname: 'example',
    kind: 'member',
    scope: 'global',
    params: []
  { kind: 'package', longname: 'package:undefined', files: [ '/var/folders/bt/jgn73jf50vsb5gj92dk00v3r0000gn/T/jsdoc-api-W854dk/934b1fbe2810.js' ] }

Finally, use the render() method to invocate jsdoc directly, generating your documentation.

import jsdoc from 'jsdoc-api'

await jsdoc.render({ files: ['index.js', 'lib/something.js'], destination: 'jsdoc-output' })

If you need to use a specific jsdoc version or fork, specify its path via JSDOC_PATH and jsdoc-api will use it instead of the default.

$ export JSDOC_PATH=./node_modules/.bin/jsdoc # An alternative jsdoc version you installed
$ node my-jsdoc-api-script.js                 # Run your jsdoc-api app as usual

See the API documentation for further details. See the example folder for code examples.

© 2015-24 Lloyd Brookes <[email protected]>.

Tested by test-runner. Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.

npm i jsdoc-api


  • MIT
  • >=12.17
  • Lloyd Brookes
  • released 8/31/2024

