
Jumbosocket (js.js) is a small server for big ideas, offering a small template starter project, inspired by fu.js and utilizing socket.io


The goal of Jumbosocket is to provide a boilerplate for quickstart of a node.js + socket.io app. While this is easily possible in a few lines of JS code, it is nice to have a tested set of components to start using. The HTML5 boilerplate is provided, along with CSS stubs, and a few JS scripts for a basic app, plus the needed JS libraries we all depend on for things. With this setup, you should be able to get started coding in about 5 minutes or less. This app doesn't do much, but you can at least prove your socket.io setup is working. A secondary goal is that the code be short enough that you can walk through every line of the code an understand what the server is doing. And in that spirit, it was not an objective that you have to go out and learn a framework to be productive, which can take days, weeks, months, or years.

Design Requirements

  • Deliverable as an NPM bundle
  • Users of the library simply require "js"
  • Users of the library can easily add their own routes
  • Users don't need to think much about configuration
  • Users can quickly serve static and dynamic content without needing to deal with my opinions about how directories should be structured


You can simply run 'npm install js.js'


Grab the source and install the prerequisites:

  • Node.js v20 or greater
  • NPM (recommended)
  • Socket.io (install via NPM or include the source so it is available in the require path) - use v0.9.x .


This is inteneded to use as a project template or as a module used as a middleware layer for your own projects.

As a template, just copy the source code and start building your project. See Development section below.

As a module, require js.


  • You can configure js.js in the config section (set host and port, and add your own conf here). There is a better way to do config, but you probably want to choose the config mechanism that suits your tastes.

To run

node js.js to run a default service (doesn't do much other than play pingpong with socket.io messages and serve some test routes).

and then run with:

node js.js

Also, forever is another way to go when you want to manage this as a service.

A better way: Create an server wrapper to add your own routes and socket.io handler.
cd /examples node examplejs-server.js


If you want to build on top of this, the best thing is to create a server.js file and require('./js.js'); Then you can just define your routes and any utility methods inside of server.js. As I have recommended above, use nodemon or similar to speed up your dev cycles.


If you are one the release team (let me know if you want to work on this), and here's the release flow.

  • git checkout dev

  • Do some work on some issues
  • Commit your work, with a message "refs # "
  • Test it, add some test cases under test/
  • Bump the release (just do a patch until we need a minor release):> grunt bump:patch
  • git push origin HEAD

  • Publish to npm: npm publish
  • If all has gone well, merge onto master: git checkout master && git merge --log --no-ff origin/dev

Demo Routes

On Port 8000:
    /helloworld - A basic static html page served up by node
    /helloworldly/<some path> - A basic static html page using the route filtering feature of this server.  It will print <some path> to the screen.
    /about - about this demo
    / - A simple socket.io demo showing basic messaging process


  • If you experience problems with Socket.io crytpo, there is a good chance you didn't build node.js with SSL enabled, mainly because there is problem at the configure phase finding an i64 based openssl library and headers. If you get errors running this socket.io demo or any of the others, there is a good chance it is a crypto error, at runtime. Socket.io needs the crypto enabled in Node.js.

Suggestions and Questions

  • Post them on github. I don't really know anything about socket.io and while proficient in node.js, I am not a JS developer by trade, so there are surely better and more efficient ways to code. Send me your ideas.

Release Notes


  • Some metadata cleanup


  • migrate to node v20
  • remove excess dependencies


  • Issue #11 Fix docroot issue. Was a major reason Azure cloud deploy wasn't working


  • Issues #15,#14,#13 Fix lint, 404 errors work, and missing gitignore


  • Issue #5 Switch to using os.getNetworkInterface()
  • Issue #7 Add Gruntfile 'build'
  • Issue #10 Add mocha test


  • issue #4 Simplify getting of ip addresses, limit to non-loopback ipv4 until able to re-implement using node's os.networkInterfaces()


  • a4c5f8b refs #1 Fix first bug on this project. Add way to set our real IP address when we bind to


  • Fix package.json access to use relative path


  • Add package.json access and utilize for default about route


  • Add REQ, RES to internal scope


  • Add missing release notes updates for v0.1.10
  • Add method to internalServerError to take a message


  • Migrate to Socket.io 0.9.x


  • Add error messages as they occur to MSGS


  • Add MSGS attribute to any JS server instance.
  • Fix path discovery so that the CONFIG['DOCROOT'] is resolved to the absolute path of require.main.filename (the path of the invoking script, not the module path).


  • Cleanup handling of the static path, so that we join the path with the current dir and /static by default.
  • Add DOCROOT property to CONFIG. This defaults to above.


  • Remove mocha dependency because it is having trouble to install on some systems.


  • Replace nLogger with Winston
  • Bump version


  • Cleanup some of the project metadata.
  • Cleanup README.md
  • Add nice devDependencies so some day I can do TDD.


  • forgot to bump version in package.json
  • merge js-npm branch into master


  • Fix missing routes for default routes (/, /css, /scripts, /images)


  • Fix crumby implementation of JS prototype


  • Converted project into NPM module
  • Moved sample web site into examples folder


  • Still a bunch of cruft related to the sample web site.
  • No NPM Package Still
  • Incompatible with v0.6.2


  • Doesn't work in Firefox 4.0 (and maybe in 3.0).
  • Missing test cases ... I test manually. I would like to try out Jasmine or one of these other test frameworks.
  • Not sure how to keep the versioning of socket.io up to date. If you install Socket.IO from NPM, then you may get a later version. Since Socket.IO documentation is very minimal outside of the code, it is tricky for me here. I have to keep the client side library for socket.io up to date. Probably worth hosting all of the socket client library version hosted on a CDN so that we can reference them by URL.
  • Probably some warnings from NPM. I can't keep up with the rate of node=innovation.


TODO: Add links

  • Node.js - Ry for creating a node we can use
  • node_chat - Ry and inspiration from fu.js -> js.js
  • socket.io - Guillermo Rauch
  • Javascript - Brendan Eich
  • Grunt.js - For making Make for JS
  • Tatsumaki (perl/plack) for initial inspirations


