
Common reporter interface for JavaScript testing frameworks.


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The Common Reporter Interface (CRI) for JavaScript Testing Frameworks.

Avoid this: Do this:


See Common Reporter Interface for the latest version of the specification.

See also:

  • example, illustrates how reporting works in practice.
  • frameworks, studies various popular testing frameworks.
  • Integrations, a list of real-world implementations.

Help with AsciiDoc (used for the standard document):


In 2014, the QUnit team started discussing the possibility of interoperability between JavaScript testing frameworks such as QUnit, Mocha, Jasmine, Intern, Buster, etc. The "Common Reporter Interface" would be an allow integrations for output formats and communication bridges to be shared between frameworks. This would also benefit high-level consumers of these frameworks such as Karma, BrowserStack, SauceLabs, Testling, by having a standard machine-readable interface.

Our mission is to deliver:

  • a common JavaScript API, e.g. based on EventEmitter featuring .on() and .off().
  • a minimum viable set of events with standardized event names and event data.
  • a minimum viable set of concepts behind those events to allow consumers to set expectations (e.g. define what "pass", "fail", "skip", "todo", and "pending" mean).
  • work with participating testing frameworks to support the Common Reporter Interface.

Would you be interested in discussing this with us further? Please join in!

js-reporters Package


Listen to the events and receive the emitted data:

// Use automatic discovery of the framework adapter.
const runner = JsReporters.autoRegister();

// Listen to standard events, from any testing framework.
runner.on('testEnd', (test) => {
  console.log('Test %s has errors:', test.fullName.join(' '), test.errors);

runner.on('runEnd', (run) => {
  const counts = run.testCounts;

  console.log('Testsuite status: %s', run.status);
  console.log('Total %d tests: %d passed, %d failed, %d skipped',
  console.log('Total duration: %d', run.runtime);

// Or use one of the built-in reporters.

Runtime support

  • Internet Explorer 9+
  • Edge 15+ (Legacy)
  • Edge 80+ (Chromium-based)
  • Safari 9+
  • Firefox 45+
  • Chrome 58+
  • Node.js 10+

Adapter support

Testing framework Supported Last checked Unresolved
QUnit 1.20+ [email protected] (Apr 2021)
Jasmine 2.1+ [email protected] (Apr 2021)
Mocha 1.18+ [email protected] (Apr 2021)

See also past issues.



Automatically detects which testing framework you use and attaches any adapters as needed, and returns a compatible runner object. If no framework is found, it will throw an Error.





  • TAP, implements the Test Anything Protocol for command-line output.
  • browserstack-runner, runs JavaScript unit tests remotely in multiple browsers, summarize the results by browser, and fail or pass the continuous integration build accordingly.
  • Add your own, and let us know!

Cross-project coordination

Testing frameworks:

Reporters and proxy layers:


Testing Powered By SauceLabs

npm i js-reporters


  • MIT
  • >=10
  • Unknown
  • released 6/6/2021
