
jQuery based i18n loader for Webpack.
i18n jquery webpack

jQuery i18n Loader

A loader for Webpack that injects locale files for use with wikimedia/jquery.i18n.


There didn't seem to be any loaders that supported the jQuery.i18n internationalization library, so I decided I would create one myself. I plan to soon fork wikimedia/jquery.i18n in the near future and implement support for module systems such as Webpack.


Below is a simple Webpack configuration file (webpack.config.js).

var Path = require("path");

module.exports = {
    entry: "./app/main.js",
    output: {
        filename: "bundle.js"
    module: {
        loaders: [{
            test: /\.locale.json$/,
            loader: "jquery-i18n"

Next we need to create a locale file (en.locale.json).

    "@metadata" : {
    "authors" : [
    "last-updated": "2015-08-03",
    "locale": "en"
    "hello-world": "Hello World!",
    "greetings": "Greetings $1!"

Lastly, we'll require jQuery.i18n and the locale file.

// require jQuery and attach it to the window (eww).
window.$ = window.jQuery = require("jquery");

// Since there is a number of files, we'll make use of require.context to make it more readable.
var req = require.context("jquery.i18n/src");

// Quick and dirty way to require all the necessary files. We do it this way to maintain require order.
var files = ["js", "messagestore", "fallbacks", "parser", "emitter", "language"];
files.forEach(function(module) {
    req("./jquery.i18n." + module);

// Require the locale file.

// Alert the user to show it's working.
alert('$.i18n("hello-world") -> ' + $.i18n("hello-world"));
alert('$.i18n("greetings", "Lewis") -> ' + $.i18n("greetings", "Lewis"));
npm i jquery-i18n-loader


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Lewis Barnes
  • released 8/4/2015

