
Core factories for Jpex


Core factories for Jpex

This package contains a number of injectable factories for Jpex.


Install via npm

npm install jpex-defaults --save



const Jpex = require('jpex');
const defaults = require('jpex-defaults');

// Default factories are now available
const t = Jpex.$resolve('$timeout');


var Jpex = require('jpex');
var defaults = require('jpex-defaults');


var Jpex = require('jpex');
var defaults = require('jpex-defaults/dist/jpex-defaults');


<script src="node_modules/jpex/dist/jpex.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/jpex-defaults/dist/jpex-defaults.js"></script>
// jpex-defaults is automatically registered when imported via script tags
var t = Jpex.$resolve('$timeout');



$timeout(callback, delay)
$timeout is the equivalent of the setTimeout function. The callback function is called after the value of delay has passed. The callback function is only called once.


$interval(callback, delay)
$interval is the equivalent of the setInterval function. $interval will be called repeatedly at the interval set by delay.


$immediate(callback) $immediate calls the callback function on the next available event loop. This is the equivalent of setImmediate in NodeJs or setTimeout(fn, 0) in a browser.


$log(message, [message2, message3...])
This is a wrapper for the console functions

$log('I am console.log');


$log.log('I am also console.log');


$log.warn('I am console.warn');


$log.error('I am console.error');


This wraps up the native Promise class, without the need for the new keyword. If using $promise in a browser that doesn't support the Promise object, a polyfill must be attached to the window object. The plugin jpex-web (which also includes this package) automatically sets a polyfill if needed.

Calling $promise will create a new Promise with the provided constructor function.
The function takes two parameters: resolve and reject.

return $promise(function(resolve, reject){


Returns a resolved promise.

return $promise.resolve(123);


Returns a rejected promise.

return $promise.reject().catch(...);


Accepts an array of promises and resolves once all promises have been resolved. If any of the promises is rejected, $promise.all will be rejected.

$promise.all([$promise(...), $promise.resolve(), 123]);


Accepts an array of promises and resolves when any of the promises has been resolved. If any of the promises is rejected, $promise.all will be rejected.

$promise.race([$promise(...), $promise.resolve(), 123]);


$typeof provides a function that returns the type of any object. The possible return values are:

  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • function
  • array
  • object
  • date
  • regexp
  • null
  • undefined
var t = $typeof(/a/); // 'regexp'


The $copy factory allows you to create a copy any object. It can be used as a function, or as an object which contains shallow and deep copy functions.
The shallow copy will copy an object but will not create copies of its properties. So if an object has a property x which is an object itself, the copied object will have the exact same instance of x.

var obj = { x : [1, 2, 3] };
var shallow = $copy(obj);



var obj = { x : [1, 2, 3] };
var shallow = $copy.shallow(obj);


The deep copy will copy an object and then copy all of that object's properties.

var obj = { x : [1, 2, 3] };
var deep = $copy.deep(obj);


$copy.extend(target, [obj1, obj2...])
The extend method takes any number of arguments and will deep copy the properties of the last arguments onto the first argument. i.e. $copy.extend(a, b, c) will copy the properties of b onto a and then c onto a. If b and c have the same property, c's property wins.
There are a couple of rules to keep in mind:
If two objects have the same property, and the type of that property is an object, its properties will be combined. i.e. if is set and c.x.bah is set, then a.x will get both properties foo and bah.
If two objects have the same property, and the type of that property is an array, its elements will be overwritten. i.e. if b.x = [1, 2, 3] and c.x = [4, 5] then a.x will be [4,5].

var obj = { x : [1, 2, 3] };
var extended = $copy.extend(0, 1); // 1

extended = $copy.extend({}, obj); // { x : [1,2,3] }

extended = $copy.extend({}, obj, {y : 'why'}); // { x : [1,2,3], y : 'why' }

extended = $copy.extend({}, {x : 'first'}, {x : 'second'}); // { x : 'second' }

extended = $copy.extend({}, {x : [1, 2, 3]}, {x : [4, 5, 6]}); // { x : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]}
npm i jpex-defaults


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Jack Ellis
  • released 3/25/2017

