
Git commit hook to verify commit messages are tagged with a JIRA issue number
jira git precommit-hook



  • Commit hook script contains the bare bones needed to call into this library. We may want to investigate use of existing pre-commit module.


Currently only configured for read-only access to JIRA.

Project Configuration


In order to communicate with your JIRA server, a .jirarc file needs to be placed in the root of the repo.

    "projectName": "<Name of JIRA project - REQUIRED>",
    "host":"<URL location of JIRA project - REQUIRED>",
    "port": default:80,
    "version": default:2,
    "verbose": default:false,
    "strictSSL": default:true


To install, run the following with npm:

> npm install jira-precommit-hook


If the hooks directory in your .git folder is symlinked, the module will be unable to find it. To avoid this, do not symlink your hooks folder inside of your project's git directory.

Making JIRA Commits

In order to make a successful commit with the precommit hook, ALL issues being committed must meet the following requirements:

  • There must be at least one issue in the commit message
  • All committed issues must exist in the project designated in the .jirarc

At least one issue being committed must meet the following requirements:

  • The issue must be open for commits
  • The parents of the issue must also be open for commits
    • The issue must lead up to an initiative
  • The issue must not be an initiative, epic, nor a deployment task


By default you will get a joke presented to you upon a successful commit. This is two-fold, first to get you accustomed to the commit hook so you are aware when it's not present. The second is for some comic relief at work, cause we all need it.

To disable the jokes from your shell

> ./node_modules/.bin/jira-precommit jokes disable

To re-enable the jokes from your shell

> ./node_modules/.bin/jira-precommit jokes enable

To disable To disable the joke feature simply delete the .chuckNorris file from your home directory.

npm i jira-precommit-hook


  • MIT
  • >=4.2.3
  • Matthew L Smith
  • released 3/9/2017
