
Just enough framework



Jef stands for 'Just enough framework', which is probably a shit name because it isn't really a framework at all, but i thought jef was a cool name.

Jef provides a simple helper for creating databound controls, that could potentially be used to create a rich application or component.


Jef exposes a small few things.

jef.addProperty(instance, name);

addProperty simply adds a getter/setter on the instance of the control, that you can bind to, and get/set data from.


Control is an abstract constructor that does nothing useful without inheriting from it. It inherrits from nodes EventEmitter, and thus it has .on etc..

Control must be passed a model as it's first parameter when instantiated, and that model must be an Ooze scope, or something else with the same API.

var control = new jef.Control(model <[an ooze scope](>);

Control only becomes usefull if you inherit from it (or override methods after instatiating).

Here is an example of how a textbox control can be created with jef:

function Textbox(model){
    // Run the Control constructor against this.
    jef.Control.apply(this, arguments);

    // Add a value property that can be bound to.
    jef.addProperty(this, 'value');
Textbox.prototype = Object.create(jef.Control.prototype);
Textbox.prototype.constructor = Textbox;

// Add a render method, otherwise your control wouldn't have any UI bits.
Textbox.prototype._render = function(){

    // Assign something to this.element.
    this.element = document.createElement('input');

// Add a bind method, this allows you to bind up all of the controls events in one location.
Textbox.prototype._bind = function(){
    var control = this;

    // bind the controls value property to its input elements value.
        // Only set the value if the value passed in is truthy,
        // An easy safeguard against setting the inputs value to 'undefined'
        control.element.value = value ? value : '';

And that's it. Now when you create a new Textbox, you can insert it into the DOM however you like, and play with the value property on the model, and watch the input's value change.

var model = new Ooze({value: 'hello world'});

var textbox = new Textbox(model);



  • BSD
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 2/15/2014

