
A simple terminal reporter for Jasmine


A simple terminal reporter for Jasmine, inspired by juliemr/minijasminenode.

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Get the library with

npm install jasmine-terminal-reporter


Depends on your jasmine spec runner, but to import and instantiate the reporter:

    var Reporter = require('jasmine-terminal-reporter');
    var reporter = new Reporter(options)


By default, the output will be fairly compact. Each test is represented by a green dot (passed), a red F (failed) or a yellow * (pending). Every failed test and expectation will be detailed, and a summary will be printed at the end:


1) A suite with a test will fail
1.1) Expected true to be false.

38 specs, 1 failures, 3 pending
Finished in 0.5 seconds

If verbose mode is selected, each suite and spec is detailed:

Running 38 specs.

A suite
  nested in another
      has a test that passes: passed
      has a test that fails: failed


1) A suite nested in another has a test that fails
1.1) Expected true to be false.

38 specs, 1 failure
Finished in 0.5 seconds


  • isVerbose: see above.

  • includeStackTrace: (Default: false) Displays the stack trace on failed tests

  • showColors: (Default: true)

  • done: Optional method to call when jasmine is done. First argument is true if all tests have passed or are pending.

  • stackFilter: Optional method called to format the stack trace. Receives a string as the first parameter and returns the formatted stack trace.

  • print: Optionnal method used to display the output. By default, will write to process.stdout.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 1/22/2016

