
React hooks for creating custom audio spaces like Clubhouse / Twitter Spaces, made with WebRTC


jam-core is client-side JavaScript/TypeScript library for Jam. You can find out more about Jam on our Gitlab page.

jam-core-react is a package that helps integrating jam-core in a React app. You can use it to build custom Jam UIs.

npm i jam-core-react


import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';
import {JamProvider, useJam, use} from 'jam-core-react';

const jamConfig = {domain: 'jam.systems'};

// Wrap your app in a Provider
  <JamProvider options={{jamConfig}}>
    <App />

function App() {
  // get Jam state and API methods
  let [state, api] = useJam();

  // listen to specific state changes
  let [myIdentity, roomId] = use(state, ['myIdentity', 'roomId']);

  return (
      User: {myIdentity.info.name ?? ''},<br />
      Room: {roomId ?? ''}

The state and api objects are the same as returned by createJam() in jam-core. See the jam-core documentation for extensive documentation and examples of how to use them.

The additional steps to integrate with React are simple:

  • Wrap your App in a JamProvider. This will call createJam() for you.
  • Use the useJam() hook to get state and api in any component inside the Provider
  • Use the use(state, keys) hook to update the component whenever one of the keys in state change.

Example App

We have a complete example for a simple UI built with React: https://gitlab.com/jam-systems/jam/-/blob/master/ui/examples/tiny-jam-react/App.jsx

This example lets users create Jam rooms, share rooms by URL and talk to each other when in the same room -- in less than 100 lines of code.

The example is live on https://tiny-jam-react.vercel.app

npm i jam-core-react

