
Add a goodbye handshake to a duplex async iterable


codecov CI

Add a goodbye handshake to a duplex async iterable


Add a goodbye handshake to a duplex async iterable.

In a uniplex stream, the end event signifies the end of the stream. But a duplex stream, it's a little more complicated - there are two paired streams that may end independently.

node's net module has an allowHalfOpen mode, but support for this method is patchy - more often, by default duplex streams are like a telephone - when one side hangs up, both streams are terminated. Humans deal with this problem by moving stream termination into the "application" layer - it's polite to say "goodbye", and to wait to receive "goodbye" before call termination.


Given another duplex stream, wrap it with it-goodbye.

goodbye(stream, goodbye_message) takes a duplex stream and a message (by default, the string "GOODBYE"), this must be encodable whatever codec the stream uses. The codec should probably be applied outside of it-goodbye.

import { goodbye } from 'it-goodbye'

// a duplex stream from somewhere...
var duplex = whatever.createStream()

return goodbye(duplex, 'GoodBye')


$ npm i it-goodbye

Browser <script> tag

Loading this module through a script tag will make it's exports available as ItGoodbye in the global namespace.

<script src=""></script>

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npm i it-goodbye

