
Parser for Github, GitLab and Bitbucket issues actions, references and mentions
bitbucket close duplicate fix github gitlab issues mentions parser and 5 more...


Parser for Github, GitLab and Bitbucket issues actions, references and mentions

Node CI Workflow Status

The parser can identify:


$ npm install --save issue-parser


GitHub format

const issueParser = require('issue-parser');
const parse = issueParser('github');

parse('Issue description, ref user/package#1, Fix #2, Duplicate of #3 /cc @user');
  refs: [{raw: 'user/package#1', slug: 'user/package', prefix: '#', issue: '1'}],
  actions: {
    close: [{raw: 'Fix #2', action: 'Fix', prefix: '#', issue: '2'}],
    duplicate: [{raw: 'Duplicate of #3', action: 'Duplicate of', prefix: '#', issue: '3'}],
  mentions: [{raw: '@user', prefix: '@', user: 'user'}],

GitLab format

const issueParser = require('issue-parser');
const parse = issueParser('gitlab');

parse('Issue description, ref group/user/package#1, !2, implement #3, /duplicate #4 /cc @user');
  refs: [
    {raw: 'group/user/package#1', slug: 'group/user/package', prefix: '#', issue: '1'},
    {raw: '!2', slug: 'group/user/package', prefix: '!', issue: '2'},
  actions: {
    close: [{raw: 'implement #3', action: 'Implement', prefix: '#', issue: '4'}],
    duplicate: [{raw: 'Duplicate of #4', action: 'Duplicate of', prefix: '#', issue: '4'}],
  mentions: [{raw: '@user', prefix: '@', user: 'user'}],

Bitbucket format

const issueParser = require('issue-parser');
const parse = issueParser('bitbucket');

parse('Issue description, ref user/package#1, fixing #2. /cc @user');
  refs: [{raw: 'user/package#1', slug: 'user/package', prefix: '#', issue: '1'}],
  actions: {
    close: [{raw: 'fixing #2', action: 'Fixing', prefix: '#', issue: '2'}],
  mentions: [{raw: '@user', prefix: '@', user: 'user'}],

Custom format

const issueParser = require('issue-parser');
const parse = issueParser({actions: {fix: ['complete'], hold: ['holds up']}, issuePrefixes: ['🐛']});

parse('Issue description, related to user/package🐛1, Complete 🐛2, holds up 🐛3');
  refs: [{raw: 'user/package🐛1', slug: 'user/package', prefix: '🐛', issue: '1'}],
  actions: {
    fix: [{raw: 'Complete 🐛2', action: 'Complete', prefix: '🐛', issue: '2'}],
    hold: [{raw: 'holds up 🐛3', action: 'Holds up', prefix: '🐛', issue: '3'}],

Extend existing format

const issueParser = require('issue-parser');
const parse = issueParser('github', {actions: {parent: ['parent of'], related: ['related to']}});

parse('Issue description, ref user/package#1, Fix #2, Parent of #3, related to #4 /cc @user');
  refs: [{raw: 'user/package#1', slug: 'user/package', prefix: '#', issue: '1'}],
  actions: {
    close: [{raw: 'Fix #2', action: 'Fix', prefix: '#', issue: '2'}],
    parent: [{raw: 'Parent of #3', action: 'Parent of', prefix: '#', issue: '3'}],
    related: [{raw: 'related to #4', action: 'Related to', prefix: '#', issue: '4'}],
  mentions: [{raw: '@user', prefix: '@', user: 'user'}],


Parse references

{refs: [{raw: '#1', slug: undefined, prefix: '#', issue: '1'}]}

Parse repository slug

{refs: [{raw: 'owner/repo#1', slug: 'owner/repo', prefix: '#', issue: '1'}]}

Parse closing keywords

Fix #1
{actions: {close: [{raw: 'Fix #1', action: 'Fix', slug: undefined, prefix: '#', issue: '1'}]}}

Parse duplicate keywords

Duplicate of #1
{actions: {duplicate: [{raw: 'Duplicate of #1', action: 'Duplicate of', slug: undefined, prefix: '#', issue: '1'}]}}

Parse user mentions

{mentions: [{raw: '@user', prefix: '@', user: 'user'}]}

Parse references with full issue URL

  refs: [{raw: '', slug: 'owner/repo', prefix: undefined, issue: '1'},]
  actions: {
    close: [
      {raw: 'Fix', action: 'Fix', slug: 'owner/repo', prefix: undefined, issue: '2'}

Ignore keywords case

FIX #1
{actions: {close: [{raw: 'FIX #1', action: 'Fix', slug: undefined, prefix: '#', issue: '1'}]}}

Support delimiters between action keyword and issue

Fix: #1
{actions: {close: [{raw: 'Fix: #1', action: 'Fix', slug: undefined, prefix: '#', issue: '1'}]}}

Ignore references in back-tick quotes

Fix #1 `Fix #2` @user1 `@user2`
  actions: {close: [{raw: 'Fix #1', action: 'Fix', slug: undefined, prefix: '#', issue: '1'}]},
  mentions: [{raw: '@user1', prefix: '@', user: 'user1'}]

Include references in escaped back-tick quotes

\`Fix #1\` \`@user\`
  actions: {close: [{raw: 'Fix #1', action: 'Fix', slug: undefined, prefix: '#', issue: '1'}]},
  mentions: [{raw: '@user1', prefix: '@', user: 'user1'}]

Ignore references in fenced blocks

Fix #1

console.log('Fix #2');


  actions: {close: [{raw: 'Fix #1', action: 'Fix', slug: undefined, prefix: '#', issue: '1'}]},
  mentions: [{raw: '@user1', prefix: '@', user: 'user1'}]

Include references in escaped fenced blocks

Fix #1

  actions: {close: [{raw: 'Fix #1', action: 'Fix', slug: undefined, prefix: '#', issue: '1'}]},
  mentions: [{raw: '@user', prefix: '@', user: 'user'}]

Ignore references in <code> tags

Fix #1
<code>Fix #2</code>
<code><code>Fix #3</code></code>
  actions: {close: [{raw: 'Fix #1', action: 'Fix', slug: undefined, prefix: '#', issue: '1'}]},
  mentions: [{raw: '@user1', prefix: '@', user: 'user1'}]

Include references in escaped <code> tags

`<code>`Fix #1`</code>`
  actions: {close: [{raw: 'Fix #1', action: 'Fix', slug: undefined, prefix: '#', issue: '1'}]},
  mentions: [{raw: '@user', prefix: '@', user: 'user'}]

Ignore malformed references

Fix #1 Fix #2a Fix a#3
{actions: {close: [{raw: 'Fix #1', action: 'Fix', slug: undefined, prefix: '#', issue: '1'}]}}


issueParser([options], [overrides]) => parse

Create a parser.


Type: Object String
Parser options. Can be github, gitlab or bitbucket for predefined options, or an object for custom options.


Type: Object
Default: {close: ['close', 'closes', 'closed', 'closing', 'fix', 'fixes', 'fixed', 'fixing', 'resolve', 'resolves', 'resolved', 'resolving', 'implement', 'implements', 'implemented', 'implementing'], duplicate: ['Duplicate of', '/duplicate']}

Object with type of action as key and array of keywords as value.

Each keyword match will be placed in the corresponding property of the result action object. For example the with the configuration {actions: fix: ['fixed', 'fixing']} each action matching fixed or fixing will be under result.actions.fix.


Type: Array<String> String
Default: [':']

List of delimiter characters allowed between an action keywords and the issue reference. The characters space ( ) and tab ( ) are always allowed.


Type: Array<String> String
Default: ['@']

List of keywords used to identify user mentions.


Type: Array<String> String
Default: ['#', 'gh-']

List of keywords used to identify issues and pull requests.


Type: Array<String> String
Default: ['', '']

List of base URL used to identify issues and pull requests with full URL.


Type: Array<String> String
Default: ['issues', 'pull', 'merge_requests']

List of URL segment used to identify issues and pull requests with full URL.


Type: Object
Option overrides. Useful when using predefined options (such as github, gitlab or bitbucket). The overrides object can define the same properties as options.

For example, the following will use all the github predefined options but with a different hosts option:

const issueParser = require('issue-parser');
const parse = issueParser('github', {hosts: ['']});

parse(text) => Result

Parse an issue description and returns a Result object.


Type: String

Issue text to parse.



Type: Object

List of matching actions by type.
Each type of action is an array of objects with the following properties:

Name Type Description
raw String The raw value parsed, for example Fix #1.
action String The keyword used to identify the action, capitalized.
slug String The repository owner and name, for issue referred as <owner>/<repo>#<issue number>.
prefix String The prefix used to identify the issue.
issue String The issue number.


Type: Array<Object>

List of issues and pull requests referenced, but not matched with an action.
Each reference has the following properties:

Name Type Description
raw String The raw value parsed, for example #1.
slug String The repository owner and name, for issue referred as <owner>/<repo>#<issue number>.
prefix String The prefix used to identify the issue.
issue String The issue number.


Type: Array<Object>

List of users mentioned.
Each mention has the following properties:

Name Type Description
raw String The raw value parsed, for example @user.
prefix String The prefix used to identify the mention.
user String The user name


Type: Array<Object>

List of all issues and pull requests referenced or matching an action.
Each reference has the following properties:

Name Type Description
raw String The raw value parsed, for example Fix #1.
action String The keyword used to identify the action or the duplicate, capitalized. Only if matched by an action.
slug String The repository owner and name, for issue referred as <owner>/<repo>#<issue number>.
prefix String The prefix used to identify the issue.
issue String The issue number.
npm i issue-parser


  • MIT
  • ^18.17 || >=20.6.1
  • Pierre Vanduynslager
  • released 5/31/2024
