
Renders reactJS apps isomorphic on node.js without big app changes.
react flux isomorphic node nodejs serverrendering clientrendering


Renders ReactJS apps isomorphic on node.js.

isojs renders ReactJS apps isomorphic on the server and the client without changing something in the app.

##Most important features:

  • render React apps with async api calls isomorphic on node.js
  • free choice of Flux implementation (or just React)
  • no need to define data fetching on serverside
  • sync state from server rendered app to client

###What it does:

  • guesses which data needs to get fetched on the server based on the react-router route and previous requests
  • fetches all data at the same time
  • renders the React app and synchronous respond to superagent requests with the data fetched before
  • sends the rendered app including the latest state of each component back to the client
  • runs your React app on the client (if javascript is enabled)

###How looks a classic architecture?

  • You build a React app
  • You load your data via superagent
  • You build a REST API-Server for your data loading (no need to be node.js)
  • You create an isoJS-Server which handles all front-facing requests

##Get Started:

To get startet just fork the isojs-demo-app.



npm install isojs


On the server-side you only need to define where your routes component is and on which url your data API can be reached.

var isojs = require('isojs');

var config = {
    routesPath: './Routes.js',
    getApiServerAddress: function(){
        return 'http://localhost:8080/';

With this config you can use the app-builder to create a new server and use it in your express app. (needs to be root!). To ensure, that the server-side part of isojs is available, call setServer().

var isoJSapp = isojs.appBuilder(config);


A basic component that loads data and holds state looks like that:

var React = require('react');
var superagent = require('superagent');
var isojs = require('isojs');

var Blog = React.createClass({
    mixins: [isojs.loadMixin, isojs.stateMixin],

    isojsInitialState: function(){
        return { title: '', content: '' };

    loadBlogPost: function(id){
        .end(function(err, res){

    componentDidMount: function(){

    render: function() {
        return (

The Routes.js file defines all routes of your app with react-router.

var React = require('react');
var Route = require('react-router').Route;

var BlogPost = require('./components/BlogPost.react');

var routes = (
    <Route name="main" path="/">
        <Route path="/blogpost/:id" name="blogpost" handler={BlogPost}/>

module.exports = routes;

##What changed compared to a default ReactJS app?

  • Use the isojs.loadMixin mixin in all data loading components
  • Use the isojs.stateMixin mixin in all components using state
  • Use superagent to load your data
  • Use the isojs.superagentPlugin plugin to enable isomorphic rendering of this request

##Performance Note: To be able to render your app as fast as possible try to map your route params to your api calls. Do not convert them in any way.

###Do: :id and :time are placeholders for some kind of id and a timestamp

React-Router URL API Calls
/blog/:id /loadpost/:id
/blog?id=:id /loadpost/:id
/blog/:id /loadpost?id=:id
/blog/:id?time=:time /loadpost?id=id&time=:time

###Do NOT !!!!:

React-Router URL API Calls
/blog/:id/:time /loadpost/:id/[:time/2]

[:time/2] intents to describe the calculated half of :time

Apache License Version 2.0


