
JavaScript implementation of "Indication of Message Composition for Instant Messaging" (RFC 3994)
chat sip simple msrp


JavaScript implementation of "Indication of Message Composition for Instant Messaging" (RFC 3994).

Useful to add the common "is typing" feature into your existing chat.



$ npm install iscomposing --save

And then:

var iscomposing = require('iscomposing');

Browserified library

Take the browserified version of the library at dist/iscomposing.js. It exposes the global window.iscomposing module.

<script type='text/javascript' src='js/iscomposing.js'></script>


NOTE: The iscomposing.js library uses the mimemessage library within the API it provides.

iscomposing API

The top-level module exported by the library is an object exporting both the Composer and the Receiver classes described below.

var composer = new iscomposing.Composer();
var receiver = new iscomposing.Receiver();

iscomposing.Composer Class API

A Composer instance manages the composing status of the local peer.

var composer = new iscomposing.Composer(options)

options is an optional object with the following fields:

  • format (String): Whether to use XML payload for "status" messages (as the RFC 3994 defines) or custom JSON payloads. Valid values are "xml" (default value) and "json".
  • refreshInterval (Number): Interval for sending "active status" messages (in seconds). Default value is 120. Minimum value is 30.
  • idleTimeout (Number): Timeout for sending "idle status" message if the apps stops composing its message (in seconds). Default value is 15. Minimum value is 5.
var composer = new iscomposing.Composer({
    format: 'json',
    refreshInterval: 60



Tell the composer that a message is being composed.

  • statusContentType (String): Optional string indicating the type of message being composed. Default value is "text".
// When the user types into the chat text input:

The app should call this method whenever the user types into the text input of the chat.


Tell the composer that the composed message was sent.

// When the user uses clicks on "Send" button:
    contentType: 'text/plain',
    body: text

The app should call this method whenever a message (other than a "status" message) is sent to the remote peer.


Tell the composer that the user is no longer typing or composing a message.

// When the chat text input looses the focus:

The app should call this method whenever the user was writting into the chat text input and clicked elsewhere before sending the ongoing text, or also when he suddenly deletes all the text previously written in the chat input.


Tell the composer that our chat side is closed. No more events will be fired unless the app reactivates it by calling any API method again.

// When the chat window is closed.

The app should call this method when, for example, the chat window is closed or the chat itself ends.


The Composer class inherits from the Node EventEmitter class.

composer.on('active', callback(mimeMessage))

Emitted whenever the app should send an "active status" message to the remote peer. The given callback function is called with two arguments:

  • mimeMessage (mimemessage.Entity): Instance of mimemessage.Entity to be sent to the peer.
composer.on('active', function (mimeMessage) {
composer.on('idle', callback(mimeMessage))

Emitted whenever the app should send an "idle status" message to the remote peer. The given callback function is called with two arguments:

  • mimeMessage (mimemessage.Entity): Instance of mimemessage.Entity to be sent to the peer.
composer.on('idle', function (mimeMessage) {

iscomposing.Receiver Class API

A Receiver instance manages the composing status of the remote peer.

var receiver = new iscomposing.Receiver(options)

options is an optional object with the following fields:

  • format (String): Whether to expect XML payload for "status" messages (as the RFC 3994 defines) or custom JSON payloads. Valid values are "xml" (default value) and "json".
var receiver = new iscomposing.Receiver({
    format: 'json'



Tell the receiver that a message (other than a "status" message) has been received.

// When a chat message (msg) is received from the remote peer.
myChat.on('message', function (mimeMessage) {
    if (mimeMessage.contentType().type === 'text') {

The app should call this method for each chat/audio/video message received from the remote peer (other than "status" message).


Tell the receiver that a "status" message has been received. The receiver will process the given raw status message and fire the corresponding event (if needed).

  • statusMessage (String or mimemessage.Entity): The received RFC 3994 status raw message or a mimemessage.Entity instance holding it.
// When a message (msg) is received from the remote peer.
myChat.on('message', function (mimeMessage) {
    if (mimeMessage.contentType().fulltype === 'application/im-iscomposing+xml') {

The app should call this method for each "status" message received from the remote peer.


Closes the receiver by emitting an "idle" event (if the current remote status was "idle").

// When the chat window is closed.

The app should call this method when, for example, the chat window is closed or the chat itself ends.


receiver.on('active', callback(statusContentType))

Emitted when the remote peer is composing a message. The given callback function is called with a single argument:

  • statusContentType (String): The type of message being composed ("text", "audio", "video", etc).
receiver.on('active', function (statusContentType) {
receiver.on('idle', callback(statusContentType))

Emitted when the remote peer is in idle state (rather than composing a new message). The given callback function is called with a single argument:

  • statusContentType (String): The type of message that was previously being composed ("text", "audio", "video", etc).
receiver.on('idle', function (statusContentType) {


The library includes the Node debug module. In order to enable debugging:

In Node set the DEBUG=iscomposing* environment variable before running the application, or set it at the top of the script:

process.env.DEBUG = 'iscomposing*';

In the browser run iscomposing.debug.enable('iscomposing*'); and reload the page. Note that the debugging settings are stored into the browser LocalStorage. To disable it run iscomposing.debug.disable('iscomposing*');.


Iñaki Baz Castillo at eFace2Face, inc.


MIT :)


  • MIT
  • >=0.10.32
  • Iñaki Baz Castillo at eFace2Face, inc.
  • released 8/11/2015

