
Checks if the file path is zip file. It does not read the complete file nor it depends upon file extension
buffer check detect detect zip file type is-zip-file is zip uint8array zip and 2 more...


Checks if the file path is zip file. It does not read the complete file nor it depends upon file extension


Install with npm:

$ npm install is-zip-file --save


var ZIP_FILE = require('is-zip-file');

// If a valid zip file is provided and exists at path specified
ZIP_FILE.isZip('', function(err, is) {
    if(err) {
        console.log('Error while checking if file is zip : ' + err);
    } else {
        console.log('Given file is zip : ' + is);
//=> Given file is zip : true

// If a valid zip file is provided and exists at path specified
//=> true

Clone the repo

$ git clone


isZip(path, cb)

This is asynchronous API for checking if file is zip. This API takes two parameters:

  1. File path which needs to be checked and
  2. callback, which is invoked when it checks the file to be zip or not or in case of errors

It throws

  1. TypeError if path is not provided or if provided but not of type String or if callback is not provided or if provided but not of type Function
  2. FileNotExists error which specified file does not exists.

Callback has two parameters:

  1. First parameter is error which is null in case of success
  2. Second parameter is boolean value which indicates if file is zip or not


var ZIP_FILE = require('is-zip-file');

// If a valid zip file is provided and exists at path specified
ZIP_FILE.isZip('', function(err, is) {
    if(err) {
        console.log('Error while checking if file is zip : ' + err);
    } else {
        console.log('Given file is zip : ' + is);
//=> Given file is zip : true


This is synchronous API for checking if file is zip. This API takes one parameter:

  1. File path which needs to be checked

It throws

  1. TypeError if path is not provided or if provided but not of type String
  2. FileNotExists error which specified file does not exists.

It returns Boolean indicating if file at specified path is zip or not


var ZIP_FILE = require('is-zip-file');

// If a valid zip file is provided and exists at path specified
//=> true

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  • is-pdf-file: Checks if the file path is PDF file. It does not read the complete file nor it depends upon file extension. | homepage
  • is-psd-file: Checks if the file path is PSD file. It does not read the complete file nor it depends upon file extension. | homepage


Gaurav Luthra


MIT © Gaurav Luthra

npm i is-zip-file


  • MIT
  • >=0.10.0
  • Gaurav Luthra
  • released 5/25/2017

