
is it a Ray? Is it? IS IT?
Ray Rays Not Arrays

#is-a-ray Answer once and for all the burning question: is this a Ray?


$ npm install is-a-ray --save


var isARay = require('is-a-ray')

isARay('Ray Winstone') // true
isARay('Stevie Ray Vaughan') // true
isARay('"Ray of Light" (Madonna Single)') // true (so be it)

isARay('Fay Wray') // false
isARay('A ray of light') // false
isARay('Rays') // false (they are more than one Ray)
isARay('Array') // false
isARay([]) // false
isARay(new Array) // false

##Contributing Feel free to open a pull request if you think that I may have missed a Ray.

###Tests Tests use Tape - only accept the best when testing for Rays - and are run with

$ npm test

###Formatting The code is formatted to the standard.js standard.

##Inspiration Inspired by the wonderful isarray package.

##License MIT Romney

npm i is-a-ray


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • David Wickes
  • released 6/3/2016

