
Sweet Promise-based XHR/JSONP library for browsers.
xhr jsonp request ajax browser


Iris is a library for handling HTTP (through XMLHttpRequest) and JSONP requests in a more high-level way. It uses promises to allow for more declarative and flexible handling of the responses from either side.

// HTTP example
var http = require('iris').http

    .timeout(10) // in seconds
       dialog.error('The operation timed out.')
    .failed(function() {
       dialog.error('Ooops, something went wrong.')

// JSONP example
var jsonp = require('iris').jsonp

     .ok(function(data) {
        $('#post-count').text(data.posts.length + ' posts.')
     .timeouted(function() {
        dialog.error('The operation timed out.')
     .failed(function() {
        dialog.error('Ooops, something went wrong.')

Requirements and Supported Platforms

Iris depends on the following libraries:

Additionally, there's a dependency on the set of safely shim-able ECMAScript 5 features, which can be provided by a library like es5-shim.


  1. you'll need node.js and npm. As soon as you got your hands on those beautiful thingies, you can just run the following in your project's directory.

    $ npm install iris

  2. Then require iris in your script:

    var iris = require('iris')


  3. Then compile it (use --watch for added development-phase awesomeness):

    $ browserify your-script.js -o bundle.js

  4. Finally, just put it all in your page:

    {{ ... }} {{ lots of things may go here, too }}


Iris is nicely hosted (and developed) on Github. You can [download the lastest snapshot][] or clone the entire repository:

$ git clone git://

Getting support

  • Use the Github tracker to report bugs or request features. Like a boss!

  • Fork, do your changes and send me a pull request if you want to~

  • For general support, you can send me an e-mail on [email protected]


Iris is licensed under the delicious and permissive MIT licence. You can happily copy, share, modify, sell or whatever — refer to the actual licence text for less information:

$ less LICENCE.txt


  • Unknown
  • *
  • Quildreen Motta
  • released 6/20/2012

