
IPLD Resolver Implementation in JavaScript

IPLD Resolver

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JavaScript implementation of the IPLD Resolver (internal DAG API module)

Table of Contents


> npm install --save ipld-resolver


const Resolver = require('ipld-resolver')

// You need to create and pass an ipfs-block-service instance
// https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs-block-service
const Resolver = new Resolver(<ipfs-block-service instance>)


.put(node, options, callback)

Store the given node of a recognized IPLD Format.

options is an object that must contain one of the following combinations:

  • cid - the CID of the node
  • hashAlg and format - the hashAlg and the format that should be used to create the CID of the node

callback is a function that should have the signature as following: function (err, cid) {}, where err is an Error object in case of error and cid is the cid of the stored object.

.get(cid [, path] [, options], callback)

Retrieve a node by the given cid or cid + path

options is an optional object containing:

  • localResolve: bool - if true, get will only attempt to resolve the path locally

callback should be a function with the signature function (err, result), the result being an object with:

  • value - the value that resulted from the get
  • remainderPath - If it didn't manage to successfully resolve the whole path through or if simply the localResolve option was passed.

.getStream(cid [, path] [, options])

Same as get, but returns a source pull-stream that is used to pass the fetched node.

.treeStream(cid [, path] [, options])

Returns all the paths under a cid + path through a pull-stream. Accepts the following options:

  • recursive - bool - traverse through links to complete the graph.

.remove(cid, callback)

Remove a node by the given cid

.support.add(multicodec, formatResolver, formatUtil)

Add support to another IPLD Format


Removes support of an IPLD Format


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npm i ipld-resolver


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 11/7/2017

