
JavaScript library to gather information for an ip using https://ipdata.co.

IPData JavaScript Library

JavaScript library that can be used in a web browser or Node.js application to gather information for an IP address using https://ipdata.co.

Table of Contents


$ npm install ipdata


Import library

Import the library.

import IPData from 'ipdata';

Note: If you are using require() then you will need to use the default value exported from the library.

const IPData = require('ipdata').default;

Create an Instance

Create an instance of the IPData class and pass your api key for IPData as the first parameter.

const ipdata = new IPData('<apiKey>');

The library will cache 4096 ip addresses responses for 24 hours using a LRU cache by default. You can configure the cache by passing an object as the second paramenter.

const cacheConfig = {
  max: 1000, // max size
  maxAge: 10 * 60 * 1000, // max age in ms (i.e. 10 minutes)
const ipdata = new IPData('<apiKey>', cacheConfig);

Note: To disable the cache pass -1 as the maxAge.

const cacheConfig = {
  maxAge: -1, // disable the cache
const ipdata = new IPData('<apiKey>', cacheConfig);


The library will lookup the ip address of the host computer if no ip address is provided.

  .then(function(info) {
    // info.ip === '<hostcomputerip>'
    // ...

You can pass an ip address as the first parameter to the lookup() method to lookup information about the ip address using IPData.

const ip = '';
  .then(function(info) {
    // info.ip ===
    // ...

You can specify only a select field to be returned when looking up an ip address by passing a field as the second parameter to the lookup() method.

const ip = '';
const selectField = 'ip';
ipdata.lookup(ip, selectField)
  .then(function(info) {
    // info.select_field ===
    // ...

You can specify only certain fields to be returned when looking up an ip address by passing an array of fields as the third parameter to the lookup() method.

const ip = '';
const fields = ['ip', 'city'];
ipdata.lookup(ip, null, fields)
  .then(function(info) {
    // ...

Bulk Lookup

You can lookup multiple ip addresses with one API call using the bulkLookup() method.

const ips = ['', ''];
  .then(function(info) {
    // info[0].ip ===
    // ...

You can specify only certain fields to be returned when looking up multiple ip addresses by passing an array of fields as the second parameter to the bulkLookup() method.

const ips = ['', ''];
const fields = ['ip', 'city'];
ipdata.bulkLookup(ips, fields)
  .then(function(info) {
    // ...


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Thomas Conner
  • released 11/6/2019

