
validate JavaScript objects against interfaces
validate validator schema interface interfaces npm javascript json


Validate JavaScript objects against interfaces. For node.js or the browser via browserify


You declare interfaces and then you can test if given objects match them.

var geometryInterfaces = {
  Point: {
    x: 'Number',
    y: 'Number'
  Size: {
    width: 'Number',
    height: 'Number'
  Rectangle: {
    location: 'Point',
    size: 'Size'
  Color: [ 'red', 'green', 'blue' ],
  Shape: {
    fill: 'Color',
    stroke: 'Color'
  ColoredRectangle: {
    extends: [ 'Rectangle', 'Shape' ]
  RedRectangle: {
    extends: [ 'ColoredRectangle' ],
    values: {
      fill: 'red'

var validator = new Interfascist( geometryInterfaces );

var rect1 = {
  location: { x: 1.3, y: 13 },
  size: { width: 25, height: 96.3 },
  fill: 'red',
  stroke: 'blue'

var rect2 = {
  location: { x: 41, y: 26 },
  size: { width: 55.3, height: 18 }  

var rect3 = {
  location: { x: 1.3, y: 13 },
  size: { width: 25, height: 96.3 },
  fill: 'purple',
  stroke: 'purple'

console.log( validator.validate( rect1, 'Point' ) ); //false
console.log( validator.validate( rect1, 'Rectangle' ) ); //true
console.log( validator.validate( rect1, 'ColoredRectangle' ) ); //true
console.log( validator.validate( rect1, 'RedRectangle' ) ); //true
console.log( validator.validate( rect2, 'Rectangle' ) ); //true
console.log( validator.validate( rect2, 'ColoredRectangle' ) ); //false
console.log( validator.validate( rect3, 'Rectangle' ) ); //true
console.log( validator.validate( rect3, 'ColoredRectangle' ) ); //false

There's some more functionality, check out test/test.js until I have a chance to write a better readme.

Why not json-schema?

It's overwrought for simple validation - if your needs are complex it may suit you better. It didn't suit me.

npm i interfascist


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Nik Coughlin
  • released 10/30/2013

