
IntTooltip is a simple jQuery-based library for opening a tooltip on a page at a specified element.
tooltip infobox popup


IntTooltip is a simple plug-and-play jQuery-based library for opening a tooltip on a page at a specified element. It is meant to be bundled with Browserify and bundles with CSS via the Browserify-CSS transform.


  • Tooltips poll their targets for changes in position or dimensions and automatically reposition themselves accordingly.
  • Tooltips can contain asynchronously loaded content, such as images, and will still position themselves correctly.

Warning: Currently, IntTooltip assumes that jQuery is globally accessible via $.

Example usage

const IntTooltip = require('int-tooltip');
const tooltip ='#some-button', {
  position: 'top',
  html: 'Hello world!',
  onClose: function(){

IntTooltip$target, opts)

Opens a tooltip around $target with opts. Closes all another tooltips unless is set.

  • $target: jQuery selection. Required. The element around which the tooltip will appear.
  • opts: Object. Optional. Configuration options for the tooltip. See Tooltip.constructor below.

Returns a tooltip instance. You can use this to append additional elements to the tooltip via tooltip.$container.

IntTooltip.bindButton($selection, opts)

When the user clicks $selection, a tooltip with opts will open.


Closes all open tooltips. Executes if any tooltips are open and the user hits the escape key.


constructor($target, opts)

  • target: jQuery selection. Required. The element around which the tooltip will appear.
  • opts: Object. Optional. Configuration options.
  • opts.html: String. HTML to print to the tooltip.- opts.onClose: Function. Fires when this tooltip is closed.
  • opts.position: String. Optional. The preferred direction in which the tooltip will appear, relative to $target. Options: "top", "right", "bottom", "left". Defaults to "bottom". If part of the tooltip appears off-screen in this direction, it will try other directions.
  • String. Optional. A unique identifier for the tooltip. Defaults to default. If opened via, any tooltip that shares this ID will be closed first.
  • opts.interval: Number or boolean. Optional. The frequency at which the tooltip should check the $target for a change in position or dimension. If false, no polling is conducted. Defaults to 1000.
  • opts.clickout: Boolean. Optional. If true, clicking outside the tooltip will close it. Default: false.


Closes this tooltip.


Repositions the tooltip.


To override any CSS rules, simply examine intTooltip.scss.


To test, run npm run build-test. Then, open test/test.html and visually check to the tooltip in all the test cases.

npm i int-tooltip


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Chris Kirk
  • released 7/8/2016

