
Provides connectivity to Pella Insynctive Bridge over network
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Pella® Index™ Gateway over Network interface


This repository is designed to work with Pella® Index™ Bridge connected to your LAN (it will NOT work if Bridge is in Z-Wave pair mode). By default, your bridge will obtain dynamic IP address via DHCP. If you wish to assign a fixed IP address to your bridge, you may do so via Telnet interface. For more information refer to this guide here.

This package can be used either as programmatic API (for use in other code), or as a REST API gateway (via CLI executable).

Code API

Interfaces provided by this code base can be used to query and observe events exposed by Pella® Index® Bridge connected to your local LAN.


This code is distributed via NPM and can be installed by typing the following command:

npm install insynctive

In your code you may use above module in the following manner:

import Index from "insynctive";

const insynctive = new Index("");

insynctive.on("onDeviceStatusChange", async (device) => {
    const deviceData = await device.toJSON();


insynctive.connect().then(async () => {
    const bridgeInfo = await insynctive.getInfo();

API Interface

  • class Index(host) - Root level object which represents Pella® Index™ Bridge itself.

    • {string} host - IP address of your bridge device
    • Methods:
      • {Promise<void>} connect() - connects to the bridge device
      • {Promise<void>} disconnect() - disconnects from the bridge device
      • {Promise<{version: string, mac: string}>} getInfo() - returns bridge details
      • {Promise<number>} getDeviceCount() - returns a number of registered devices
      • {Promise<Device[]>} getDevices([forceRefresh = false]) - returns array of Device objects
        • {boolean} forceRefresh - if set to true, forces hard refresh of devices connected to the bridge
      • {?Device} getDeviceById(id) - returns a Device object if found. This method assumes that call getDevices() has been already made. This method will return one of the cached known devices.
    • Events:
      • "onDeviceStatusChange" - Will emit when device changes status (ex. from closed to open)
        • {Device} event - object passed into event handler represents device on which change has occurred.
  • class Device() (read-only) - Child level object which represents any device connected to the bridge.

    • Properties:
      • {string} id - device sequential id
    • Methods:
      • {Promise<null|string>} getTypeCode() - returns raw system-specific device type code
      • {Promise<null|string>} getStatusCode() - returns raw device-specific status code
      • {Promise<*|string>} getType() - returns human-readable device type
      • {Promise<*|string|null>} getStatus() - returns human-readable status state
      • {Promise<number>} getBattery() - returns battery level as percent (0-100)
      • {Promise<string|null>} getSerialNo() - returns device serial number
      • {Promise<{Object}> toJSON() - returns id, battery, type, status, serialNo as JSON object

Environment variables

  • INSYNCTIVE_BRIDGE_IP - IP address of the Pella® Index™ Bridge
  • LOG_LEVEL - log level for debugging. Defaults to "off". Available options are "debug", "error", "warning", "info", " fatal".

Local Development

To test your code run INSYNCTIVE_BRIDGE_IP=x.x.x.x npm start, where x.x.x.x is the IP of your bridge. Once your service is running, in your browser type IP of your machine where service is running and specify port 3000.

Example: http://localhost:3000


  • / - returns bridge info as JSON
  • /devices - returns an array of devices as JSON (slow)
  • /device/:id - returns device details as JSON


Index™ - Is a registered trademark of Pella® corporation.

npm i insynctive


  • GNU
  • Whatever
  • Simon Tsvilik
  • released 12/30/2022

