
Linting tools for inline styles
react react styling inline styles linter cssinjs style linting

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inline-style-linter is a configureable, modular & plugin-based javascript-runtime style linter that pushes developer experience to a next level.


For detailed information according plugins, data, configuration and FAQ please check the documentation before creating an issue.


npm install inline-style-linter

First you will need to configure your Linter for your special use case. Check out Plugins for a list of currently provided plugins and settings.

import Linter, { Plugins } from 'inline-style-linter'

// example configuration
const config = {
    plugins: [

// new Linter instance with the given config
const linter = new Linter(config)

// example style object
const styles = {
    border: '1px solid gray',
    borderColor: 'blue',
    borderWidth: 2,
    width: '50px',
    fontSize: 14

// basic linting which returns a set of warnings
const warnings = linter.lint(styles)

// if no warnings occured the array will be empty
// no linting issues therefore recorded
warnings.length === 0

// else you might iterate over them and do something
warnings.forEach(warning => console.log(warning.hint))

// This would output the following
// > Do not mix longhands: 'borderColor, borderWidth' with their shorthand: 'border'.
// > Prefer numbers for 'width:50px'. Use 'width:50' instead.


Plugin configurable description
noInitialValue no Warns if property specific initial values are used.
noVendorPrefix no Warns if vendor prefixes are manually set (Recommended: inline-style-prefixer)
preferNumber no Warns if number values are specified as strings e.g. width: '50px'
requireUnit no Warns if number values are used. e.g. width: 50
shorthandLonghand no Warns if shorthand and longhand properties are used alongside.
compatibility yes Checks for browser compatibility & compatibility issues


Every plugins returns warnings if there are rule violations.
There are two values which must be provided:

  • type: basic enumration to identify the plugin that throws
  • hint: dynamic generated text describing the issue

Depending on which plugin is used there is other information provided such as property, value or suggestion.
e.g. The example above would provide the following warnings.

    hint: "Do not mix longhands: 'borderColor, borderWidth' with their shorthand: 'border'.",
    shorthand: 'border',
    longhands: ['borderColor', 'borderWidth']
    type: 'PREFER_NUMBER',
    hint: "Prefer numbers for 'width:50px'. Use 'width:50' instead.",
    property: 'width',
    value: '50px',
    suggestion: 50


inline-style-linter is licensed under the MIT License.
Documentation is licensed under Creative Common License.
Created with ♥ by @rofrischmann.


I would love to see people getting involved.
If you have a feature request please create an issue. Also if you're even improving inline-style-linter by any kind please don't be shy and send a pull request to let everyone benefit.


If you're having any issue please let me know as fast as possible to find a solution a hopefully fix the issue. Try to add as much information as possible such as your environment, exact case, the line of actions to reproduce the issue.

Pull Requests

If you are creating a pull request, try to use commit messages that are self-explanatory. Also always add some tests unless it's totally senseless (add a reason why it's senseless) and test your code before you commit so Travis won't throw errors.

npm i inline-style-linter


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Robin Frischmann
  • released 2/18/2016

