
The core part of inline-js. Create an inliner with multiple resource loaders, transformers, and shortcuts.


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The core part of inline-js. Create an inliner with multiple resource loaders, transformers, and shortcuts.


npm install inline-js-core


This module exports following members:

  • createInliner: Create an inliner.


const inliner = createInliner({
  maxDepth?: Number

maxDepth - the max recursion depth. Default: 10.


const inlineResult = await inliner.inline({
  target: {
    name: String,
    args: Array
  source?: Object,
  content?: String|Buffer

Read the resource from target and process $inline directives recursively.

target is a resource specifier. A simple file could be represented as:

  name: "file",
  args: ["D:\myfile.txt"]

source is also a resource specifier like target. It is only used to resolve relative path to absolute path:

const source = {
  name: "file",
  args: ["D:\foo.txt"]
const target = {
  name: "file",
  args: ["bar.txt"]
inliner.resource.resolve(source, target);
  name: "file",
  args: ["D:\bar.txt"]

inlineResult has following properties:

  • content: Buffer|String - the output content.
  • target: Object - the target resource that is processed.
  • children: [...inlineResult: Object] - inlineResults of child dependencies (i.e. files being inlined by target).


  resources?: Array,
  transforms?: Array,
  shortcuts?: Array

A utility function to add resources, shortcuts, and transforms from a config object. If the argument is falsy, this function has no effect.


  name: String,
  read: async (source: Object, target: Object) => String|Buffer,
  resolve?: (source: Object, target: Object) => null,
  hash?: (source: Object, target: Object) => String

Add a resource loader.

name is the name of the resource loader.

read should return the content of target file. source is the parent file that inlines target.

If resolve is defined, inliner would call this function before read.

hash should convert a (source, target) pair into a unique string that inliner would use it to cache the content. If hash is undefined then the content is never cached.


inliner.resource.remove(name: String);

Remove a resource loader that the name is name.

const content = await Object, target: Object);

Find the resource loader matching then call the read function of the resource loader. Inliner would try caching the result after read.


A Map object containing hash: String/pendingContent: Promise<content> pairs.


  name: String,
  transform: async (context: Object, content: String|Buffer, ...args) => outputContent: String|Buffer

name is the name of the transformer.

transform function is used to transform content.

context object provides some additional information about the source resource. It has following properties:

  • inlineTarget: Object - the target resource. The file that is being inlined and transformed.

  • inlineDirective - an object that represents an inline directive. It has following properties:

    • type: String - could be $inline, line, start, or open.
    • params: Array<String> - arguments of the inline function.
    • start: Number - the start index of the replace range.
    • end: Number - the end index of the replace range.
  • source: Object - the source resource. The file containing the inline directive.

  • sourceContent: String - the content of source.

Other args is specified by the $inline directive. For example:


In this case, args would be ["foo", "bar"].


inliner.transformer.remove(name: String)

Remove the transformer.


const outputContent = await inliner.transformer.transform(
  context: Object,
  content: String|Buffer,
  transforms: Array<Object>

Transform content through a list of transforms.


  name: String,
  expand: String|Function

Add a global shortcut expander.

name is the name of the shortcut.

expand is a pattern that would expand the original string. For example, with the following expander:

  name: "foo",
  expand: "foobar|t1:$1|t2:$2"

It can expand foo:a,b into foobar|t1:a|t2:b. $n (n=1...9) would be replaced with the parameter at specified index. $& would be replaced with all parameters.

expand can also be a function:

expand: (target: Object, ...args) => expandPattern: String

target is the resource that is being processed.

args are parameters of the shortcut.


inliner.globalShortcuts.remove(name: String)

Remove a global shortcut expander.


const outputString = inliner.globalShortcuts.expand(target: Object, pipes: [shortcut, ...otherPipes])

Find the expander matching, expand shortcut, concat the result with otherPipes, then return the final string.


  • 0.5.0 (Aug 5, 2018)

    • The module requires node 7.6 or higher.
    • inliner.inline is changed. Now it accept an object.
    • Add: expose inliner.resource.cache.
  • 0.4.1 (Jul 22, 2018)

    • Add: Inliner.useConfig utility function.
  • 0.4.0 (Jun 23, 2018)

    • Add: from parameter of Inliner.inline.
    • Add:, InlineResult.children to get detailed information about inlined files.
    • Drop: InlineResult.dependency.
  • 0.3.1 (May 23, 2018)

    • Fix: sub-dependency is broken.
  • 0.3.0 (May 23, 2018)

    • Add: export getLineRange, getWhitespace utils in ./lib/parser.
    • Add: The signature of $inline is expanded to $inline(resource, startOffset = 0, endOffset = 0). Use startOffset, endOffset to extend replace range.
    • Change: $inline.line now preserves indents.
  • 0.2.0 (May 23, 2018)

    • Change: the first argument of Transformer.transform is changed to a TransformContext object. This should help implement "endent" transformer.
  • 0.1.1 (May 21, 2018)

    • Fix: ignore parseDirective error when it is wrapped with other tags.
  • 0.1.0 (May 21, 2018)

    • Pull out core from inline-js.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • eight04
  • released 5/23/2018

