
Inline Installation helper (prompt user and install) for Chrome Web Store Extensions

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Inline Installation helper (check if installed, prompt user and install) for Chrome Web Store Extensions. Intended to be used with Browserify.

This package allows to:

  • check if the extension is already installed (requires minor changes to the extension)
  • ask the user for the extension installation (user action is required to allow the installation)
  • add <link> element for the extension to document <head> (required for the installation)
  • trigger Chrome extension installation from Chrome Web Store.

Compatibility note

!!! This package adds InlineInstall to global browser namespace window. This is temporarily solution for backward compatibility with WRTC package.

If you have different needs regarding the functionality, please add a feature request.


npm install --save inline-install



In order to enable Inline Install for the extension, please refer to 'Using Inline Installation' in 'More Info' section.

  • Inline install option must be enabled for your extension at extension page in Developer Dashboard: doc/img/this-item-must-use-inline-install.png
  • Your site must be on the list of verified sites for this extension
  • Enable automatic check if the extension is already installed in browser (see below)

Enable automatic check if extension is already installed in browser

Step 1. Add to background page of your extension following code:

// start of checkInstalled handler of InlineInstall package
chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponseCb) {
  if (request && request.message && request.message === 'inline-install-check') {
      installed: true
  return true;
// end of checkInstalled handler

You may also add new script (for example, if you do not have yet background pages in your extension), like bInlineInstall.js containing only the code above and add this file name to background scripts array of your manifest.json to make it looking like below:

  "background": {
    "scripts": [
    "persistent": false

Step 2. Add an entry to the manifest.json list of the allowed domains:

  "externally_connectable": {
    "matches": [

For more info on configuring Inline Install for Chrome extensions please refer to 'Using Inline Installation' in 'More Info' section

var InlineInstall = require('inline-install');

if ( ) {

  var inlineInstall = new InlineInstall({
    // Extension Id in Chrome Web Store. Replace <itemId> with your 
    // value which is a part of extension url 
    // '<itemId>'
    itemId: <itemId>,
    // Check if the extension is already installed in the browser
    checkInstalled: true,
    // Object defining the prompt to be show to the user
    prompt: {
      // Inline Install must be initiated by user action; if you start the installation by some user action,
      // you may set `prompt.enabled` to `false` to avoid default prompt to be shown
      enabled: true,
      // Prompt text
      text: 'This site requires Chrome Extension to be installed. Proceed?'
    // Reload current page in browser after successful installation    
    reloadOnSuccess: true   
  inlineInstall.on('error', function(errorString, errorCode) {
    alert( 'InlineInstall: Error: ' + errorString + 
      ', code: ' + (errorCode || '') );
  inlineInstall.on('downloadprogress', function(percentDownloaded) {
    console.log('InlineInstall: Download Progress: '+percentDownloaded+'%');
  inlineInstall.on('installstagechanged', function(installStage) {
    console.log('InlineInstall: Install Stage changed'+
      ', new stage: \'' + installStage + '\'');
  inlineInstall.on('success', function() {
    console.log('InlineInstall: Extension is installed.');

Class InlineInstall

This class is used to create Chrome Web Store Extension installation helper.

InlineInstall is a MiniEmitter with following methods and events:

Event: 'error'

Emitted when error occurs.

Event: 'downloadprogress'

  • percentDownloaded number

Emitted when extension was successfully installed in browser (triggered when chrome.webstore fires onDownloadProgress event). More Info:

Event: 'installstagechanged'

  • installStage - {'installing' or 'downloading'} - The InstallStage that just began.

Emitted when extension was successfully installed in browser (triggered when chrome.webstore fires onInstallStageChanged event). More Info:

Event: 'success'

Emitted in one of following cases:

  • when extension was already installed before and no action was taken
  • when extension was successfully installed in browser during the last call to execute() (triggered when chrome.webstore.install() called success callback).

At the moment there is no option to differentiate between this two situations.

new InlineInstall(options)

  • Parameter options is an object consisting of following properties:
    • itemId - Extension Id in Chrome Web Store which is a part of extension url '\<itemId>'
    • checkInstalled - Check if the extension is already installed in the browser (default: true)
    • prompt - Object defining the prompt to be shown to the user, containing of following properties:
      • enabled - Inline Install must be initiated by user action; if you start this installation code by some user action, you may set prompt.enabled to false to avoid default prompt to be shown (default: true)
      • text - Text to prompt the user (default: This site requires Chrome Extension to be installed. Proceed with the installation?)
      • ok - Optional, OK button text (default: OK)
      • cancel - Optional, Cancel button text (default: Cancel)
    • reloadOnSuccess - Reload current page on successful installation (default: true)

Construct a new object.


Main method, executing following:

  • Checks if the extension is already installed
  • Adds <link> element referencing the extension to <head> section of the document
  • Prompts user for the permission
  • Starts the extension installation
  • Proxies chrome.webstore events and errors to own events
  • Reloads page on successful installation (if reloadOnSuccess set to true) with location.reload()

More Info


  • Replace checkInstalled() with checkVersion()
  • Provide info if the extension was installed before or just now, during this call to execute()
  • Add one more call to checkInstalled() after the extension installation which was reported as successful by chrome.webstore.install().



Links to package pages:




  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Alexander
  • released 12/19/2015

