
A CLI Loading Indicator Implemented As A Changing Ellipsis (Triple-Dot).
indicatrix load loading cli terminal console ellipsis triple dot dots and 5 more...


npm version

indicatrix Is A CLI Loading Indicator Implemented As A Changing Ellipsis (Triple-Dot).

ellipsis demo

yarn add -E indicatrix

Table Of Contents


The package is available by importing its default function:

import indicatrix from 'indicatrix'

async indicatrix(
  text: string,
  promise: !Promise<T>|function(...*): !Promise<T>,
  options=: !Options,
): T

Will print the loading text and refresh the CLI line to show the ellipsis while the promise is loading.

  • text* string: The text to display in the CLI.
  • promise* (!Promise<T> | function(...*): !Promise<T>): The promise or an async function that returns the promise.
  • options !Options (optional): The optional options for the indicator, such as the refresh interval.

When called from the CLI application, indicatrix will print the supplied text and draw the ellipsis (. > .. > ... > .) animation at the end, until the promise is resolved.

Options: The optional options for the indicator, such as the refresh interval.

Name Type Description Default
interval number The interval with which to update the screen. 250
writable !(NodeJS.WriteStream | stream.Writable) The writable stream used for printing data with the .write method. process.stdout
import indicatrix from 'indicatrix'

(async () => {
  const res = await indicatrix('Please wait', async () => {
    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 750))
    return 'OK'
  }, { interval: 100 })
Please wait.
Please wait..
Please wait...
Please wait
Please wait.
Please wait..
Please wait...
Please wait


When the INDICATRIX_PLACEHOLDER is set to anything other than 0, the package won't print the ... ellipsis, but append the static <INDICATRIX_PLACEHOLDER> string to the loading text instead. This is used by documentary to add an interactive placeholder:

Please wait


Art Deco © Art Deco™ 2020

npm i indicatrix


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Anton
  • released 1/28/2020

