
A filter for turning URLs into IMG tags

What is this?

imagey is an Angular filter that replaces links to images in text, with <img> tags, similar to how Angular's linky filter replaces links in text with <a> tags.

Basically, it turns this:

Check out this awesome google logo:

into this:

Check out this awesome google logo: <img src="">

How do I get this awesome code?

Use Bower, and, inside your project run bower install --save imagey-filter.

Okay, now what?

Add it to your Angular dependencies:

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['imagey'])

In a template

  <!-- To just turn image links into image tags -->
  {{ myContent | imagey }}

  <!-- To turn links into anchor tags, and image links into image tags -->
  {{ myContent | linky | imagey }}

In Javascript land

// Pull in the filter service
myApp.controller('fooCtrl', function($scope, $filter) {
  // Grab a reference to imagey
  var imagey = $filter('imagey')

  // And run it on some text
  $scope.withImages = imagey(plaintext)
npm i imagey-filter


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Paul Sweeney
  • released 3/4/2014

