
IMA.js UI React atoms
React UI IMA atoms


The IMA UI atoms are elementary UI components based on the Pattern Lab design pattern for creating atomic design systems.

This package provides various most commonly needed atoms, but both their functionality and their number are likely to be extended in the future.

The Image, Iframe and Video atoms provide the lazy loading functionality by default. All the atoms provided by this package are AMP HTML-compatible.


npm install ima-ui-atoms --save
// /app/build.js

var vendors = {
    common: [

var less = [

The atom components are now available within the namespace:


import { Headline1, Paragraph, Link, Image, Iframe, Video, ListItem, UnorderedList, Loader } from 'ima-ui-atoms';
// /app/config/bind.js
import { UIComponentHelper } from 'ima-ui-atoms';

// add helper to utils
oc.constant('$Utils', {
    $UIComponentHelper: oc.get(UIComponentHelper)

oc.bind('GoogleAnalytic', GoogleAnalytic);


Contributing to this repository is done via Pull-Requests. Any commit that you make must follow simple rules that are automatically validated upon committing.

  1. type of change (build, ci, chore, docs, feat, fix, perf, refactor, revert, style, test)
  2. scope of change in brackets ( ... ). This should be one-word description of what part of the repository you've changed.
  3. colon :
  4. message (lower-case)

fix(iframe): message

feat(loader): message

To simplify this process you can use npm run commit command that will interactively prompt for details and will also run linter before you commit. For more information see commitizen/cz-cli repository.


The IMA.js is an application development stack for developing isomorphic applications written in pure JavaScript. You can find the IMA.js skeleton application at


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Miroslav Jancarik
  • released 11/21/2016

