
Generic REST API client plugin for the IMA application framework.
ima ima.js plugin rest


Generic REST API client plugin for the IMA application framework. You may find the IMA application skeleton at


You may install the IMA REST client plugin using the following command:

npm install ima-plugin-rest-client --save


While it is possible to use this plugin on its own within an IMA application, it is recommended to use it in a combination with a more specialized REST client implementation extending this plugin.

In order to use the plugin directly in an IMA.js application, add the following items to the vendor.common array in the app/build.js configuration file:


For information about implementing a custom REST API client based on this plugin, please see the following sections.

Architecture overview

The main entry point is the AbstractRestClient class, the basic abstract implementation of the RestClient interface.

The AbstractRestClient provides methods for performing REST API requests, which are defined in the aforementioned interface.

The Abstract REST client can be configured using the following:

  • Configurator - interface defining the API for fetching server-provided configuration for other tools that can be used to configure the REST client.
  • LinkGenerator - interface defining the API for generating URLs for accessing the resources and entities of the REST API.
  • RequestPreProcessor - interface defining the API for pre-processing the requests before they are sent to the REST API server. The pre-processor may also turn the request into a response, if no actual request to the server is necessary.
  • ResponsePostProcessor - interface defining the API for post-processing all responses, regardless whether they were received from the server or generated by a request pre-processor.
  • AbstractEntity - base class for typed approach of identifying REST resources. The class also provides various helper method for easier manipulation of entities in the REST API.

Implementing a minimal working REST API client

This sections covers the basics of implementing a REST API client based on this plugin that does uses string-based instead of class-typed identification of resources in the REST API, does not require loading server-provided configuration, nor manipulating the requests or responses.

First step is creating a no-op configurator:

import Configurator from 'ima-plugin-rest-client/Configurator';

export default class NoopConfigurator extends Configurator {
  getConfiguration() {
    return Promise.resolve();

Next we'll need a simple link generator:

import LinkGenerator from 'ima-plugin-rest-client/LinkGenerator';

export default class SimpleLinkGenerator extends LinkGenerator {
  constructor(baseUrl) {

    this._baseUrl = baseUrl;

  createLink(parentEntity, resource, id, parameters, serverConfiguration) {
    // We assume a shallow REST API, therefore the parentEntity is always null.
    // Also, we can ignore the serverConfiguration since our NoopConfigurator
    // does not fetch any configuration provided by the server.

    let linkUrl = `${this._baseUrl}/${resource}`;
    if (['number', 'string'].indexOf(typeof id) > -1) {
      linkUrl += `/${id}`;

    if (Object.keys(parameters).length) {
      linkUrl += '?' + LinkGenerator.encodeQuery(parameters);

    return linkUrl;

All that remains is wiring everything up:

import AbstractRestClient from 'ima-plugin-rest-client/AbstractRestClient';
import NoopConfigurator from './NoopConfigurator';
import SimpleLinkGenerator from './SimpleLinkGenerator';

export default class SimpleRestClient extends AbstractRestClient {
  constructor(httpAgent, baseUrl) {
      new NoopConfigurator(),
      new SimpleLinkGenerator,


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Martin JurĨa
  • released 2/14/2017

