
Time tracking and stats for Google Calendar
google calendar ical time tracking stats

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This tool has been superseded by calstats.js, which supports more than just ical feeds.


NodeJS tool that can interpret an ical feed (e.g. from Google Calendar) and output statistics by parsing [tags]. Provides:

  • Amount of time spent on each client
  • Detailed breakdown of tasks within projects
  • Total time spent
  • Count of events


npm install icalstats

How icalstats.js works

icalstats.js parses [tags] out of your ical feed and uses that to create statistics.

In your calendar, make sure your entries have "[tags] in their subjects". Tags are simply square brackets. You create events in your calendar and write something like [projecta-development] or [projecta-research]. For example:

  • "[research] investigating AngularJS plugins"
  • "[project-a] writing new user interface"

Here is an example in Google Calendar:

Google Calendar usage example

The first "part" of a tag is used as the top level tag. So, if you have [projecta-one] and [projecta-two], this means that the tool can group project a's entries together (exposed using getHighLevelBreakdown()) and then allow you to drill down into its details (using getBreakdown()).


Instantiate with:

var icalstats = require('icalstats');

You then need to run the load method, which loads the data into it. You need the ical library for this:

var icalstats = require('icalstats');
var ical = require('ical');
ical.fromURL(someUrl, {}, function(err, data) {
    icalstats.load(data, startDate, endDate);

    // icalstats is now ready to rock!

Once it's ready to rock, you can call the following functions:

  • getEarliest - returns the earliest event date that was found in the ical feed within your specified date range
  • getLatest - returns the latest event date that was found in the ical feed within your specified date range
  • getCount - returns the count of events within your specified date range
  • getTotalHours - returns the total number of hours of the events within your specified date range
  • getHighLevelBreakdown - returns a breakdown by the top level, for example:
{ research: 6, admin: 3.5, project: 16.5 }
  • getBreakdown - returns a full breakdown, for example:
{ research: 6,
  admin: 3.5,
  'project-c': 4,
  'project-b': 4.5,
  'project-a': 8 }
  • getTree - return a tree-type breakdown. Hour counts are available with the .value key at any point in the tree. This means that, given input breakdown data like:
    'radify': 1,
    'radify-labs': 1,
    'radify-labs-admin': 1,
    'radify-labs-icalstats': 1,
    'radify-labs-radiian': 1,
    'radify-labs-radiian-debugging': 1,
    'radify-labs-radiian-publishing': 1,
    'radify-admin': 1,
    'radify-admin-meeting': 1

icalstats.js can tell you things like:

  • 9 hours were spent on all Radify tasks
  • 3 hours were spent on all Radify labs radiian tasks
  • 1 hour was spent on debugging Radify labs radiian
  • 2 hours was spent in total on Radify admin
  • 1 hour was spent in Radify admin meeting, and 1 hour in "radify-admin" (expressed as "other")

This means that your client applications can support 'drilling down' into icalstats.js data sets.

Example usages

Example API

Here is a simple API that consumes the icalstats.js library. It uses:

  • Hapi framework - used for building an API
  • ical library - for loading and parsing ical feeds
  • icalstats.js - this library, used for producing statistics
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var icalstats = require('icalstats');
var ical = require('ical');

var server = new Hapi.Server();
server.connection({port: 4730, routes: {cors: true}});
server.start(function() {
  console.log('Server running at:', server.info.uri);

  method: ['POST'],
  path: '/',
  handler: function(request, reply) {
    ical.fromURL(request.payload.cal, {}, function(err, data) {
      icalstats.load(data, request.payload.startDate, request.payload.endDate);

        earliest: icalstats.getEarliest(),
        latest: icalstats.getLatest(),
        count: icalstats.getCount(),
        total: icalstats.getTotalHours(),
        breakdown: icalstats.getBreakdown(),
        highLevelBreakdown: icalstats.getHighLevelBreakdown(),
        tree: icalstats.getTree()

Example command line client

  • Commander - used for a nice CLI interface
  • ical library - for loading and parsing ical feeds
  • icalstats.js - this library, used for producing statistics
var program = require('commander');
var icalstats = require('icalstats');
var ical = require('ical');

  .option('-i, --ical [url]', 'Private ical link from Google Calendar')
  .option('-s, --startDate [startDate]', 'The date to start from, e.g. 2015-05-01')
  .option('-e, --endDate [endDate]', 'The date to start from, e.g. 2015-05-08')

if (!process.argv.slice(2).length) {


ical.fromURL(program.ical, {}, function(err, data) {
  icalstats.load(data, program.startDate, program.endDate);

  console.log("Date range: " + icalstats.getEarliest() + " - " + icalstats.getLatest());
  console.log("count: " + icalstats.getCount() + " events");
  console.log("total: " + icalstats.getTotalHours() + " hours");

  console.log("\nHigh level breakdown:");

  console.log("\nDetailed breakdown:");



Clone this repo and then install dependencies with:

npm install

Now build the project by running:


This will create /icalstats.js, which is the file that other projects should use, as specified in package.json.

Note the directory spec which contains the unit tests for this library.

If you would like to submit code, feel free to create a pull request.

npm i icalstats


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Gavin Davies
  • released 1/11/2016

