
React higher-order component for i18n-calypso

I18n calypso Localize

localize is a higher-order component which, when invoked as a function with a component, returns a new component class. The new component wraps the original component, passing all original props plus props to assist in localization (translate, moment, and numberFormat). The advantage of using a higher-order component instead of calling translate directly from the i18n-calypso module is that the latter does not properly account for change events which may be emitted by the state emitter object.

It should act as a substitute to the existing i18n-calypso-mixin which provides the this.translate, this.moment, and this.numberFormat functions. Notably, the higher-order component can be used for components which do not support mixins, including those inheriting the Component class or stateless function components.


Typically, you'd wrap your exported function with localize:

// greeting.jsx
import React from 'react';
import localize from 'i18n-calypso-localize';

function Greeting( { translate, className } ) {
    return (
        <h1 className={ className }>
            { translate( 'Hello!' ) }

export default localize( Greeting );

When the wrapped component is rendered, the render behavior of the original component is used, but with access to localization props.

// index.jsx
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import Greeting from './greeting';

    <Greeting className="greeting" />,
npm i i18n-calypso-localize


  • GPL-2.0
  • Whatever
  • @automattic
  • released 5/19/2016

