
p2p key/value store over a [hyperlog][1] using a [multi-value register conflict strategy][2]
hyperlog key value store p2p replication distributed


p2p key/value store over a hyperlog using a multi-value register conflict strategy



var hyperkv = require('hyperkv')
var hyperlog = require('hyperlog')
var sub = require('subleveldown')

var level = require('level')
var db = level('/tmp/kv.db')

var kv = hyperkv({
  log: hyperlog(sub(db, 'log'), { valueEncoding: 'json' }),
  db: sub(db, 'kv')

var key = process.argv[2]
var value = process.argv[3]

kv.put(key, value, function (err, node) {
  if (err) console.error(err)
    else console.log(node.key)
$ node example/put.js greeting hello
$ node example/put.js greeting 'beep boop'


var hyperkv = require('hyperkv')
var hyperlog = require('hyperlog')
var sub = require('subleveldown')

var level = require('level')
var db = level('/tmp/kv.db')

var kv = hyperkv({
  log: hyperlog(sub(db, 'log'), { valueEncoding: 'json' }),
  db: sub(db, 'kv')

var key = process.argv[2]
kv.get(key, function (err, values) {
  if (err) console.error(err)
  else console.log(values)
$ node example/get.js greeting
  eadb22a224313d5fb5b811e50915f16491e7714dd32b83503c1e1a1db2bd9e9b: { value: 'beep boop' }


var hyperkv = require('hyperkv')

var kv = hyperkv(opts)

  • opts.log - hyperlog instance created with valueEncoding: 'json'
  • opts.db - level instance

kv.put(key, value, opts={}, cb)

Set key to a json value.

If opts.links is set, refer to previously set keys. Otherwise, the key will refer to the current "head" key hashes.

If opts.fields is set, merge the object properties of opts.fields into the raw document that is stored in the db alongside the k and v properties.

cb(err, node) fires from the underlying log.add() call.

kv.get(key, opts={}, cb)

Get the current values for key as cb(err, values) where values maps hyperlog hashes to set values.

Each value is an object of one of two forms:

  • { value: ... } - the value of the key
  • { deleted: true } - tombstone indicating the key has been deleted

It is possible to receive both types for the same key; it is left up to the api consumer to decide how the data is best interpreted.

If there are no known values for key, values will be {}.

If opts.fields is true, include the raw document as each value instead of individual values.

kv.del(key, opts={}, cb)

Remove key.

If opts.links is set, refer to previously set keys. Otherwise, the key will refer to the current "head" key hashes.

Note that keys are only removed with respect to opts.links, not globally and that edits made in forks may cause deleted keys to "reappear". This is by design.

cb(err, node) fires from the underlying log.add() call.

If opts.fields is set, merge the object properties of opts.fields into the raw document that is stored in the db alongside the d property.

kv.batch(rows, opts={}, cb)

Insert an array of documents rows atomically into the database.

Each row object in the rows array should have:

  • row.type - required, one of: 'put' or 'del'
  • row.key - required key string
  • row.value - value, required when row.type === 'put'
  • row.links - optional array of ancestor hashes, defaults to most recent heads for the key

cb(err, nodes) fires from the underlying log.batch() call.

var stream = kv.createReadStream(opts)

Create a readable object mode stream for each key/values in the store.

Each object row has:

  • row.key - the key set with .put()
  • row.links - array of hashes that are the current holders for the key
  • row.values - object mapping hashes to values


  • opts.values - set to false to turn off setting row.values, which requires an extra lookup in the implementation
  • opts.fields - when true, include the full document instead of the value
  • opts.live - when true, keep the stream open and add additional matching results as they are written to the db
  • opts.limit - close after this many documents if specified

var stream = kv.createHistoryStream(key, opts={})

Create a readable object mode stream with the history of key.

Each row object in the output stream has:

  • row.key - the key (as in key/value) of the document
  • row.link - the hyperlog key (version hash) of the current document
  • row.links - array of version hashes that are ancestors of this document
  • row.value - value associated with this document

You might want to topologically sort the output before displaying it. Otherwise, documents will always appear before their ancestors, but documents in a fork have an undefined ordering.

kv.on('put', function (key, value, node) {})

Whenever a node is put, this event fires.

kv.on('update', function (key, value, node) {})

Whenever the indexes update through a put or replication, this event fires with the underlying node object from the hyperlog.


This package ships with a hyperkv command.

hyperkv put KEY VALUE {OPTIONS}

  Insert a json VALUE at KEY.

    --links  Comma-separated list of ancestor hashes

hyperkv get KEY

  Print a json object for the values at KEY,
    mapping hashes to values.

hyperkv list

  Print a list of keys and values as json, one per line.

hyperkv push
hyperkv pull
hyperkv sync

  Replicate with another hyperkv using stdin and stdout.


npm install hyperkv
npm install -g hyperkv



npm i hyperkv


  • BSD
  • Whatever
  • substack
  • released 4/26/2019
