
Effects as data for Hyperapp

Hyperapp Effects

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A Hyperapp Higher-Order App giving your app superpowers to write your effects as data, inspired by Elm Commands.



Install with npm / Yarn.

npm i hyperapp-effects

Then with a module bundler like parcel, rollup or webpack, use as you would anything else.

import { withEffects } from "hyperapp-effects"

Or using require.

const { withEffects } = require("hyperapp-effects")


Download the minified library from the CDN.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/hyperapp-effects"></script>

You can find the library in window.effects.


Effects data

EffectTuple = [type: string, props: object]
Effect = EffectTuple | EffectTuple[] | Effect[]

Effects are always represented as arrays. For a single effect this array represents a tuple containing the effect type string and an object containing the properties of this effect. For multiple effects each array element is either an effect tuple or an array of these tuples, which may be nested. This means that effects are composeable.


EffectsConfig = {
  [effectName]: (
    props: object,
    getAction: (name: string) => Action
  ) => undefined
withEffects = App => App | EffectsConfig => App => App

This Higher-Order App function enables actions to return arrays which later will be run as effects.


import { withEffects } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  foo: () => [
    // ... effects go here
  bar: () => // or a single effect can go here

withEffects(app)(state, actions).foo()

For custom effects pass an object to withEffects before composing with your app:

import { withEffects } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  // You will probably want to write a helper function for returning these
  // similar to the built-in effects
  foo: () => [
    // type of effect for effects data
    // must match key used in custom effect object below
      // ... props go here

  // key in this object must match type used in effect data above
  custom(props, getAction) {
    // use props to get the props used when creating the effect
    // use getAction for firing actions when appropriate
})(app)(state, actions).foo()

Reusing an existing effect type will override the built-in one.


action = (name: string, data?: any) => EffectTuple

Describes an effect that will fire another action, optionally with data.


import { withEffects, action } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  foo: () => [
    action("bar", { message: "hello" }),
    action("baz", { message: "hola" }),
    // ... other effects
  bar: data => {
    // data will have { message: "hello" }
  baz: data => {
    // data will have { message: "hola" }

withEffects(app)(state, actions).foo()

Note that you may also use a single action effect without an array wrapper and that nested actions may be called by separating the slices with dots:

import { withEffects, action } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  foo: () => action("bar.baz", { message: "hello" }),
  bar: {
    baz: data => {
      // data will have { message: "hello" }

withEffects(app)(state, actions).foo()

This same convention follows for all the other effects as well.

Also note that action (and other effects) may be used for handler props in your view:

import { withEffects, action } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  foo: data => {
    // data will have { message: "hello" }
    // when the button is clicked

const view = () => h("button", {
  onclick: action("foo", { message: "hello" })

withEffects(app)(state, actions, view, document.body)


frame = (action: string) => EffectTuple

Describes an effect that will call an action from inside requestAnimationFrame, which is also where the render triggered by the action will run. A relative timestamp will be provided as the action data. If you wish to have an action that continuously updates the state and rerenders inside of requestAnimationFrame (such as for a game), remember to include another frame effect in your return.


import { withEffects, action, frame } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  time: 0,
  delta: 0

const actions = {
  init: () => frame("update"),
  update: time => [
    action("incTime", time),

    // ...
    // Other actions to update the state based on delta time
    // ...

    // End with a recursive frame effect to perform the next update
  incTime: time => ({ time: lastTime, delta: lastDelta }) => ({
    delta: time && lastTime ? time - lastTime : lastDelta

withEffects(app)(state, actions).init()


delay = (duration: number, action: string, data?: any) => EffectTuple

Describes an effect that will call an action after a delay using setTimeout, optionally with data.


import { withEffects, delay } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  startTimer: () => delay(
    { name: "minute timer" }
  alarm: data => {
    // This action will run after a minute delay
    // data will have { name: "minute timer" }

withEffects(app)(state, actions).startTimer()


time = (action: string) => EffectTuple

Describes an effect that will provide the current timestamp to an action using performance.now. The timestamp will be provided as the action data.


import { withEffects, time } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  foo: () => time("bar"),
  bar: timestamp => {
    // use timestamp

withEffects(app)(state, action).foo()


log = (...args: any[]) => EffectTuple

Describes an effect that will call console.log with arguments. Useful for development and debugging. Not recommended for production.


import { withEffects, log } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  foo: () => log(
    "string arg",
    { object: "arg" },
    ["list", "of", "args"],

withEffects(app)(state, actions).foo()


http = (url: string, action: string, options?: object) => EffectTuple

Describes an effect that will send an HTTP request using fetch and then call an action with the response. If you are using a browser from the Proterozoic Eon like Internet Explorer you will want a fetch polyfill. An optional options parameter supports the same options as fetch plus the following additional properties:

Property Usage Default
response Specify which method to use on the response body. "json"
error Action to call if there is a problem making the request or a not-ok HTTP response. Same action as defined for success

Example HTTP GET request with a JSON response:

import { withEffects, http } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  foo: () => http("/data", "dataFetched"),
  dataFetched: data => {
    // data will have the JSON-decoded response from /data

withEffects(app)(state, actions).foo()

Example HTTP GET request with a text response:

import { withEffects, http } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  foo: () => http(
    { response: "text" }
  textFetched: data => {
    // data will have the response text from /data

withEffects(app)(state, actions).foo()

Example HTTP POST request using JSON body and response that handles errors:

import { withEffects, http } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  login: form => http(
      method: "POST",
      body: form,
      error: "loginError"
  loginComplete: loginResponse => {
    // loginResponse will have the JSON-decoded response from POSTing to /login
  loginError: error => {
    // please handle your errors...

withEffects(app)(state, actions).login()


event = (action: string) => EffectTuple

Describes an effect that will capture DOM Event data when attached to a handler in your view. The originally fired event will be provided as the action data.

import { withEffects, event } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  click: clickEvent => {
    // clickEvent has the props of the click event

const view = () => h("button", {
  onclick: event("click")

withEffects(app)(state, actions, view, document.body)


keydown = (action: string) => EffectTuple

Describes an effect that will capture keydown events for your entire document. The KeyboardEvent will be provided as the action data.


import { withEffects, keydown } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  init: () => keydown("keyPressed"),
  keyPressed: keyEvent => {
    // keyEvent has the props of the KeyboardEvent

withEffects(app)(state, actions).init()


keyup = (action: string) => EffectTuple

Describes an effect that will capture keyup events for your entire document. The KeyboardEvent will be provided as the action data.


import { withEffects, keyup } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  init: () => keyup("keyReleased"),
  keyReleased: keyEvent => {
    // keyEvent has the props of the KeyboardEvent

withEffects(app)(state, actions).init()


random = (action: string, min?: number, max?: number) => EffectTuple

Describes an effect that will call an action with a randomly generated number within a range. If provided the range will be [min, max) or else the default range is [0, 1). The random number will be provided as the action data.

Use Math.floor if you want a random integer instead of a floating-point number. Remember the range will be max exclusive, so use your largest desired int + 1.


import { withEffects, random } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  // We use the max of 7 to include all values of 6.x
  foo: () => random("rollDie", 1, 7),
  rollDie: randomNumber => {
    const roll = Math.floor(randomNumber)
    // roll will be an int from 1-6

withEffects(app)(state, actions).foo()


EffectConditional = [boolean, EffectTuple]
effectsIf = EffectConditional[] => EffectTuple[]

Convert an array of [boolean, EffectTuple]s into a new array of effects where the boolean evaluated to true. This provides compact syntatic sugar for conditionally firing effects.


import { withEffects, effectsIf, action } from "hyperapp-effects"

const state = {
  // ...

const actions = {
  foo: () => ({ running }) => effectsIf([
    [true, action("always")],
    [false, action("never")],
    [running, action("ifRunning")],
    [!running, action("ifNotRunning")]

withEffects(app)(state, actions).foo()


Hyperapp Effects is MIT licensed. See LICENSE.

npm i hyperapp-effects


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Wolfgang Wedemeyer
  • released 2/18/2018

