
Create Hyper.app plugins from Hyper.app's configuration file `~/.hyper.js`.
hyper hyperterm plugin plugins custom easy wat unlimited power and 1 more...


Create Hyper.app plugins from Hyper.app's configuration file ~/.hyper.js.


Sometimes all you want is a small change to the configuration or plugins in Hyper.app, but you don't want to have to create a whole plugin for it! This plugin makes it much easier to write mini-plugins that can do anything a normal plugin can do.

How to Use It

Just add the following properties to your ~/.hyper.js.


The object containing the properties below:


A boolean value; whether to print to STDOUT the npm commands' output.


An optional array of npm module dependencies that will be used in your plugins. These npm modules will be dynamically installed and passed to config.customPlugins.callback afterwards.


A function to be stringified and run in a Node.js vm. It will have access to the global variable from hyper-custom-plugins and the object, containing the following properties, as an argument:

  • hooks: An object that references hyper-custom-plugins' module.exports. Mutate this object to add other Hyper.app hooks. Overriding the decorateConfig property will prevent the config.customPlugins.callback function from running until a new session is created or "Update Plugins" is run.

  • config: The initial config object after it has been decorated by other plugins, unless hyper-custom-plugins is the first in the plugins array inside ~/.hyper.js. Mutate this object to change config.

  • dependencies: An object with keys that will be the name of the npm modules passed in config.customPlugins.dependencies and values that will be the npm modules after being required.

  • module: A reference to hyper-custom-plugins' module object.


I like to use the theme hyperterm-material, but I wish that the config.backgroundColor it sets was slightly transparent! Instead of creating a whole module just for this purpose, I just use hyper-custom-plugins like this:

module.exports = {
  config: {
    customPlugins: {
      output: false,
      dependencies: ['color'],
      callback: ({ hooks, config, dependencies, module }) => {
        const { color: Color } = dependencies;
        const { backgroundColor } = config;
        const newBackground = Color(backgroundColor).fade(0.3).rgb().string();
        config.backgroundColor = newBackground;
  plugins: [


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Dylan Frankland
  • released 12/4/2016

