
A simple poller for RSS feeds in hubot. It will alert to chat on updates to the feed polled on a regular interval.

Hubot Rss Poller

This is a simple polling script used to poll RSS feeds and ping rooms when an update is found. All it requires is a file specified to read.


All you need is a .json file with the following configurations set up. This is loaded from the hubotrssconfig.json file in the top level of the hubot install, or you can specify in an environment variable HUBOT_RSS_CONFIG_FILE.

  "feeds": [{
    "name": "Name of the RSS feed goes here",
    "request": { // An object that contains the request parameters. Example not all inclusive
        "uri": "URI to the RSS feed goes here",
    "headers": {
        "Method": "GET"
    "room": "room to message out to when an update is found",
    "pingInterval": "100", // How many seconds to wait before polling for update
    "alertPrefix": "A prefix to the output message goes here.",
    "alertSuffix": "a suffix to an output message goes here.",
    "initialDelay": "3" // initial wait (in seconds) check to allow hubot to connect

##Basic Auth You can specify username and password on an individual feed, or place them in the http Authorization header and they will work just fine. But if you're like me and don't like having usernames and passwords sitting around in something that is probably source controlled, you can specify them via two environment variables. HUBOT_RSS_FEED_USERNAME and HUBOT_RSS_FEED_PASSWORD act as global defaults to all feeds specified for this script. If you specify them as well as the username and password properties, the properties overwrite the environment variables.

npm i hubot-rss-poller


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Anson Wayman
  • released 3/5/2018

