
An experimental http based database, running on top of LevelDB and (db-engine)[].


An experimental http based database, running on top of LevelDB and (db-engine)[].

See also (http-db-client)[].

This project is in production, but not quite ready for public consumption.

Setting Up


http-db should be installed globally, as it includes scripts to help get the database up and going, as well as configured.

$ npm install -g http-db


http-db relies on a JSON based configuration file and directories for storage and user databases. First configuration is as simple as running rdb_init from the command line.

Configuration Variables

dataDir - location of where stores will be written.

userDir - location of where the user database will be written.

token.secret - secret for JWT token

token.expiration - default expiration

cookie.password - cookie password - name of the cookie - host to listen on

server.port - port to listen on

public - whether a public website should be available

user - user to drop priviledges to if run by root

RESTful Interface

The RESTful interface requires a valid Bearer token delivered as part of the request in order to access.

This Bearer token is delivered as part of the request headers:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN

GET /database

Returns basic information about the database.


  "status": "ok",
  "name": "http-db",
  "version": "0.5.0",
  "port": 8765,
  "host": "localhost",

GET /database/stores

Returns a list of stores that you have access to.


  "status": "ok",
  "stores": [

GET /database/value/{store}/{id}

For a given a store and `id, returns the value associated with it.


  "foo": "bar"

POST /database/value/{store}/{id}

Sets the JSON value passed as part of the body in the store and assigns it to the key. This operation overwrites any existing value.

This requires a Content-type header to be set on the request:

Content-type: application/json


400 on Error, with JSON error message:

  "status": "error",
  "error": "payload should be JSON"

201 on Success

DELETE /database/value/{store}/{id}

Deletes an entry for a store.


  "status": "ok"

GET /database/keys/{store}

GET /database/all/{store}

GET /database/filter/{store}?key={key}&value={value}

POST /database/query/{store}

npm i http-db


  • BSD
  • Whatever
  • Jerry Sievert
  • released 3/29/2015

