
Convert a stream of HTML documents into PNG Buffer Objects
html png screenshot png stream streams streaming phantomjs webdriver and 1 more...


Convert a stream of HTML documents into PNG Buffer Objects

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This module is installed via npm:

$ npm install html-png-stream

Example Usage

Render some HTML into a PNG Buffer Object

var htmlPngStream = require('html-png-stream');
var ps = htmlPngStream({ width: 1280, height: 720, browser: 'phantomjs' });
var rs = stream.Readable();
rs._read = function () {};


ps.on('data', function (data) {
  // data will contain a screenshot of the HTML as a node.js Buffer
  //<Buffer 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 00 00 02 80 ...>

// render some HTML



The constructor is passed an options object:

  • width, height - the width and height of the browser. NB: This is not the maximum dimensions of each screenshot. So if the rendered page is higher than height the screenshot returned will be the full rendered height of the page.
  • browser - The browser to use for rendering. By default this is phantomjs and this module bundles together a static binary of phantomjs with phantomjs-bin. If you have Google Chrome installed and chromedriver is in your PATH, then you can render with Chrome.

write(chunk, [enc], [cb])

You can pipe a HTML fragment or a URL to this stream and it will be rendered.

npm i html-png-stream

