
Converts HTML to JSX for use with React
react jsx htmltojsx html react-component


HTMLtoJSX converts HTML to JSX for use with React.


npm install htmltojsx

Alternatively, a web-based version is available at


HTMLtoJSX can be used either as a command-line application or as a Node.js module. To use the command-line version, invoke the htmltojsx command:

$ htmltojsx --help
Converts HTML to JSX for use with React.
Usage: htmltojsx [-c ComponentName] file.htm

  htmltojsx -c AwesomeComponent awesome.htm    Creates React component "AwesomeComponent" based on awesome.htm

  --className, -c  Create a React component (wraps JSX in React.createClass call)
  --help           Show help

To use the Node.js module, require('htmltojsx') and create a new instance. This is the same interface as the web-based version:

var HTMLtoJSX = require('htmltojsx');
var converter = new HTMLtoJSX({
  indent: '\t',
  hideComment: true,
  createClass: true,
  outputClassName: 'AwesomeComponent'
var output = converter.convert('<div>Hello world!</div>');


  1. indent 缩进填充符, 默认俩空格.
  2. hideComment 传 true 时将不会将原文中的注释生成到译文中.
  3. createClass 传 true 时将会在 jsx 外再创建一层 React.createClass 进行包裹.
  4. outputClassName 仅当 createClasstrue 时有效, 将会在 React.createClass 前再加一个变量 var xxx = 来保存这个组件.


  1. Complete the CLI tool.
  2. Complete the test cases.


0.5.0 - 27th June 2017

  1. Support SVG convert.
  2. Fixed the bug of lost container when there're a DOM element and a comment element both on the root node.


  1. 支持 SVG;
  2. 修正了当最外层根节点为一个注释与一个 DOM 节点时不会添加 container 的 bug.

0.3.0 - 11th January 2017

  1. Added hide comment ability to HTMLtoJSX, pass true to parameter hideComment to use it.
  2. Removed the extra spaces while createElement option is false.
  3. Found the no instruction option indent which can set the indent space of output.
  4. Fixed the bugs of the incorrect out put when the <thead> <tr> tags were the outermost layers.
  5. The outputClassName will be capitalized by default.
  6. Updated the React and ReactDOM version of HTMLtoJSX (0.14.x -> 15.x.x).
  7. Added supports of attributes of SVG tags.


  1. 参数里 hideCommenttrue 就可以不再把注释也生成到 jsx 里去了;
  2. 去掉了不创建包裹类的时候多余的空格;
  3. 找到了作者没有标注出来的用于修改缩进填充字符的 indent 属性.
  4. <thead> <tr> 放在最外层的时候不会被干掉了.
  5. 输入的 outputClassName 总是会被变成首字母大写.
  6. 更新了 HTMLtoJSX 所依赖的 React 和 ReactDOM 版本 (0.14.x -> 15.x.x).
  7. 支持转换 SVG 标签的属性.

0.2.5 - 26th October 2015

  • #33 - Correctly handle <textarea>s and <pre>s
  • #35 - Handle internal stylesheets (<style> tags). Thanks to Trevor Copeland

0.2.4 - 6th August 2015

  • #31 - Fixed jsdom dependency

0.2.3 - 5th August 2015

  • #8 - Handle case-insensitive attributes and style names
  • #29 - Switch to jsdom-no-contextify to support older versions of Node.js

0.2.2 - 4th May 2015

  • #21 - Allow output of React classes without class name
  • #25 - Update version of JSDOM

0.2.1 - 1st February 2015

  • #10 - Handle inline CSS shorthand style values
  • #13 - Maintain valueless attributes handled by JSX
  • #15 - Use uncontrolled input fields so they can still be edited
  • #11 - Ensure HTML entities are handled correctly

0.2.0 - 7th September 2014

  • Initial release
npm i html-2-jsx


