
A fancy gardener


Deploys and manages CHT applications.


From npm

npm install -g horticulturalist
COUCH_URL=http://admin:pass@localhost:5984/medic horti --local --install

From source

COUCH_URL=http://admin:pass@localhost:5984/medic node src --dev


Pick one mode to run in:

    If you don't know which one you want, you want this one. For general
    local use. Deploys applications to a hidden directory in your home
    Runs horti in 'dev' mode, directly out of the given directory under a
    'temp' directory. For developers and for use while developing horti.
    Only of interest to those who deploy using MedicOS. Deploys apps using
    the MedicOS daemon.

You can also specify a deployment action to perform:

    Download the latest master (or specified) build and deploy to the
    local db at startup. Alternatively specify a channel to download the
    latest release from that channel.
    The same as install, but only prepares the deploy while not actually 
    installing or deploying it.
    Completes a staged install or errors if one does not exist.
    Does not start node modules or watch for new installations, but does 
    perform one of the above actions if specified.

Builds and Channels

A build is an fully qualified name that points to a specific release. A channel specifies a type of release, of which there may be many, and in the context of installations maps to the latest of those releases.

An example of a build is medic:medic:2.14.0. An example of a channel would be @medic:medic:release. When installing, this channel would be set to install the latest version in the release channel.

There are two ways to write builds and channels, full and Medic-only.

The full format contains both the namespace and application name of what you wish to deploy: foo:bar:1.0.0 would install the bar application at version 1.0.0 from the foo namespace. The Medic-only version is just the version section, and is so 1.0.0 is equivilent to medic:medic:1.0.0.

Similarly, if you wish to specific a certain type (e.g. @release), the full format would be @foo:bar:release.

The Medic-only formatting may go away at some point, it's just convenient for now!


Horti follows semver. Releasing is currently a manual process:

  • All tests in master should pass!
  • Tag the release, increasing the patch, minor or major depending on what's changed.
  • Publish to npm with npm publish. If you don't have access ask someone in Slack.


Horticulturalist is an easy way to deploy CHT Core applications locally if you're not going to be developing against it.

To use it locally:

  • Install, configure and secure CouchDB
  • Install npm
  • Install Horticulturalist with npm install -g horticulturalist

Use the horti tool to bootstrap CHT and launch it:

COUCH_NODE_NAME=couchdb@localhost COUCH_URL=http://myAdminUser:myAdminPass@localhost:5984/medic horti --local --bootstrap

This will download, configure and install the latest Master build of medic. If you're looking to deploy a specific version, provide it to the bootstrap command:

COUCH_NODE_NAME=couchdb@localhost COUCH_URL=http://myAdminUser:myAdminPass@localhost:5984/medic horti --local --bootstrap=3.0.0-beta.1

To kill Horti hit CTRL+C. To start Horti (and Medic) again, run the same command as above, but this time don't bootstrap:

COUCH_NODE_NAME=couchdb@localhost COUCH_URL=http://myAdminUser:myAdminPass@localhost:5984/medic horti --local

If you wish to change the version of Medic installed, you can either bootstrap again, or use the Instance Upgrade configuration screen.

NB: Horticulturalist doesn't wipe your database when it bootstraps, it just installs the provided version (or master) over whatever you already have. To completely start again, stop Horti and delete the medic database, either using Futon / Fauxton, or from the command line:

npm i horticulturalist

