
![CircleCI]( ![David-DM](

CircleCI David-DM


A library for working with React, Redux and external APIs, specifically targeting API's exposing information stored in a CMS.

horseman-core is a part of the Blend Marketing development toolchain. At Blend we primarially work with CraftCMS and Wordpress backed CMS, so horseman is targeted primarially at those platforms.


The tools in horseman enable a react / redux application to easily connect with external data sources. This allows for a development toolchain that gives content editors the ability to work in familiar systems (Wordpress, Craft) and gives developers the ability to develop modern frontend websites with that data.

Horseman exposes this functionality through the use of the ResourceProvider component. This providers is responsible for fetching data from an external API and passing that information to react components for consumption as a prop.

The ResourceProvider is most commonly used inside of the react-router.


Any component that depends on an external API call for information can be wrapped in the ResourceProvider. Inform the provider of the endpoint to call and the data will be provided to your component via the render method.

Standard Requests

To simply fetch data from known endpoint and pass the json into a custom component, use the endpoint prop of the provider. The json at the requested endpoint will be passed along to your component through the render function parameter.

import { ResourceProvider } from 'horseman-core';

  render={(data, meta) => (
    <MyEntry resource={data} />

Render Prop

Once data has successfully returned from the endpoint, the provider will execute the function given through the render prop. The first argument to render will be the parsed json data located at the endpoint. The second argument will be a json object representing request meta information such as loading and error states.

Templated Requests

Many requests don't have a fixed url for fetching information and instead rely on external data to determine what information to load.

ResourceProvider endpoints are able to be templates by prefixing dynamic sections with a :.

The ResourceProvider will swap out these sections with the value passed to the endpointVars prop.

import { ResourceProvider } from 'horseman-core';

    slug: 'foo'
  render={resource => (
    <MyEntry resource={resource} />

The endpoint fetched in the above example would be

Working with react-router

This pattern works hand in hand with react-router if you want to match endpointVars with route matches.

import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import { ResourceProvider } from 'horseman-core';

  exact path="/resources/:slug"
  render={({ match }) => (
      render={resource => (
        <MyEntry resource={resource} />


yarn add horseman-core


npm -i horseman-core --save


Horseman assumes that your environment is already setup with React and Redux. In addition, we assume that you have set up the redux-thunk middleware.

Simple Example with react-router

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import { Router, Route, browserHistory } from 'react-router'
import { horsemanReducers } from 'horseman-core'

import reducers from '<project-path>/reducers'

// Add the horseman reducers to the store
const store = createStore(
    routing: routerReducer

const history = syncHistoryWithStore(browserHistory, store)

  <Provider store={store}>
    <Router history={history}>
      <Route path="/" component={App}>
        <Route path="foo" render={({match}) => (
            render={resource => (
              <MyEntry resource={resource} />


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jared Meyering
  • released 12/13/2017

