
A dynamic static site generator
dynamic static site cms experimental


quick and dirty CMS featuring automated asset loading, socket.io driven page refreshes and image scaling + a very basic lightbox

Installation instructions after you npm install and require this module, make sure you have imagemagick installed (osx: with brew works nicely) and make sure you link libpng. sudo chown -R $(whoami):admin /usr/local brew link libpng

Basic usage:

clone the repo, run npm install and get crackin'!

Create folders in content/, they will be sections of your website

Create subfolders in these, and they will be items.

Add images to items or sections and they will be included

Add stylesheets (css/less) and they will be rendered and loaded

Add javascripts and they will be loaded

Add .txt files and they will be added to the item or section

special filenames: logo.(jpg/png): will be placed in site header

background.(jpg/png) will be placed at the respective page as a background

title.txt: will replace the title for the item or section

subtitle.txt: will be placed as a subtitle

introdution.txt: will be placed on the overview page, and if present, allows item to be viewed exclusively, and hides other content

body.txt: displayed below introduction in item or section view, depending on introduction.txt presence

*.txt: displayed below body and before footer

footer.txt: will be displayed lowest


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Ivo de Kler
  • released 12/21/2014

