
Javascript librairy to build and manipulate hookable trees.

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Tree.js is a JavaScript library to build and manipulate hookable trees.


It is available with bower:

bower install tree.js

Then add the retrieved files to your HTML layout:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/bower_components/tree.js/tree.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you want to build hookable tree (see below) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/bower_components/q/q.js"></script>

You can also use it with RequireJS as an AMD module.


Simple tree

Create a tree

var myTree = Tree.tree({
    children: [
            name: 'dupuis',
            children: [
                    name: 'prunelle',
                    children: [
                            name: 'lebrac',
                            job: 'designer'
                            name: 'lagaffe',
                            firstname: 'gaston',
                            job: 'sleeper'

Find a node

var lebrac = myTree.find('/dupuis/prunelle/lebrac');

// or

var lebrac = myTree.find('/dupuis').find('/prunelle/lebrac');

// or

var lebrac = myTree.find('/dupuis').find('/prunelle').find('/lebrac');

Get the raw data of a node

lebrac.data() // { name: 'lebrac', job: 'designer' }

Get an attribute

lebrac.attr('job'); // designer

Set an attribute

lebrac.attr('job', 'director');
    .attr('location', 'here')
    .attr('hobby', 'design');

Get the path of a node

lebrac.path(); // /dupuis/prunelle/lebrac

Get the parent of a node

var dupuis = lebrac.parent();
dupuis.name(); // dupuis
dupuis.parent(); // undefined

Append a child node

    name: 'paper',
    children: [{ name: 'pen' }]

lebrac.find('/paper').parent().parent().parent().name(); // dupuis

Remove a node

myTree.find('/dupuis/prunelle/lebrac'); // undefined

Move a node

var lagaffe = myTree.find('/dupuis/prunelle/lagaffe').moveTo(myTree.find('/dupuis'));
lagaffe.path(); // /dupuis/lagaffe

Get the children of a node

var children = myTree.find('/dupuis').children();
children[0].name(); // prunelle

Get a node visitor

In order to execute a callback on each node of the tree, you can use a visitor:

var visitor = myTree.visitor();
visitor(function(node) {
    // you can now interact with each node

Stringify a node

On any node you can call stringify to serialize it. Internally it will use JSON.stringify with custom replacer to avoid circular references because of the _parent private property:


Work with hooks

To work with hooks, you first need to add hook capacities to your tree:

var hookableTree = Tree.hookable(myTree);

Everything explained above is still true but the hookable operations will now return promises!

Because of that you need to include into your page Q library. Otherwise you can specify another promises library by calling: hookableTree.promiseFactory(YOUR_FACTORY). It must expose the same API than Q.

You can configure the timeout used for each listener by calling hookableTree.timeout(30000). Set it to 0 to disable it, default to 30000.

Register a hook listener

There are 12 hooks available:

Hook Description
HOOK_PRE_APPEND Triggered when append is called and before applying it on the tree
HOOK_POST_APPEND Triggered when append is called and after applying it on the tree
HOOK_ERROR_APPEND Triggered when append is called and an error occured
HOOK_PRE_REMOVE Triggered when remove is called and before applying it on the tree
HOOK_POST_REMOVE Triggered when remove is called and after applying it on the tree
HOOK_ERROR_REMOVE Triggered when remove is called and an error occured
HOOK_PRE_MOVE Triggered when moveTo is called and before applying it on the tree
HOOK_POST_MOVE Triggered when moveTo is called and after applying it on the tree
HOOK_ERROR_MOVE Triggered when moveTo is called and an error occured
HOOK_PRE_CLONE Triggered when clone is called and before applying it on the tree
HOOK_POST_CLONE Triggered when clone is called and after applying it on the tree
HOOK_ERROR_CLONE Triggered when clone is called and an error occured

To register a hook you need to call registerListener(string hook, function listener):

hookableTree.registerListener(hookableTree.HOOK_PRE_APPEND, function(newNode) {
    // I am a hook listener, I will be triggered before any append operation.

    // The arguments are not always the same depending on the hook.
    // Hook context is the tree.

    this; // will be our tree

    // If you need to perform asynchronous operation, just return a promise.

Because of hooks, append, remove, move, clone will return promise, as show in this example:

hookableTree.append(Tree.tree({ name: 'spirou'})).then(function(childNode) {
    // Everything is ok, it worked!
    // When you append a node, you can either give as argument a tree or hookable tree.
    // If it is a hookable tree, its hook listeners will added to the parent tree.
}, function(err) {
   // An error occured or a hook listener failed
hookableTree.find('/dupuis').remove().then(function(dupuisParent) {
    // Everything is ok, it worked!
}, function(err) {
    // An error occured or a hook listener failed
hookableTree.find('/dupuis/prunelle').moveTo(hookableTree).then(function(prunelle) {
    // Everything is ok, it worked!
}, function(err) {
    // An error occured or a hook listener failed
hookableTree.find('/dupuis/prunelle').clone().then(function(clonedPrunelle) {
    // Everything is ok, it worked!
}, function(err) {
    // An error occured or a hook listener failed


To rebuild the minified JavaScript you must run: make build.


Install dependencies and run the unit tests:

make install
make test-spec


All contributions are welcome and must pass the tests. If you add a new feature, please write tests for it.


This application is available under the MIT License, courtesy of marmelab.

npm i hookable-tree


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 7/23/2015

