
HipChat JS client for the browser

HipChat JS Client

HipChat's BOSH/XMPP communication layer has always been a mystery to me. So, a few weeks ago I set out to educate myself on how it all worked -- this client library is the side-effect.

What is this?

How about some code?

// Bootstraps the HipChat connection using your existing
// HipChat browser session
new HipChat(
        onConnectionChange: function(status, condition){
            console.log('INFO', 'connection status changed to ' + status + ': ' + condition);

        onConnect: function(hc){
            // Let's join all the rooms that HipChat knows about from
            // the last session

            // Let's listen to any messages that float by
            var msgSub = hc.on('message', msgHandler);

            // Let's listen in on any presence notifications
            var presenceSub = hc.on('presence', presenceHandler);

Get the point? If not, check out the specs to see what else it can do.

What can I do with this?

This little library will allow you to win the next ShipIt! Here are some ideas:

  • Build alternate browser based HipChat clients using Chrome Extensions/Apps
  • Build an ncurses like chat app and bring chat back to the terminal
  • Integrate HipChat closer to your favorite app

I built this mostly to educate myself and have a bit of fun, but if all goes well, this may be used in the next version of the HipChat web client.


To run the specs, you must symlink this to your HipChat VM's web dir (e.g., from ../web/www/js):

ln -s ../../../hipchat-js-client

You may then access the spec runner at:


Wanna contribute?

Go for it. Fork, commit, push, and be merry.

npm i hipchat-js-client

