
Hexagonal grid with fast lookup
hexagon hexagonal grid


Hexagonal grid in typescript, for npm, inspired by redblobgames and honeycomb.

This code is meant for backend and reasonably fast algorithms on hexagonal grids. To have visualisation data such as pixel coordinates of the center & corners of the hexes, use honeycomb.


Grid<HexType extends Hex = Hex>

The grid can access individual hexagons efficiently by their coordinates. If you modify an individual hex's coordinates, then you need to call grid.recalibrate().

Grid(...hexes: HexType[])

Creates a grid with those hexes

get(hex: CubeCoordinates): HexType

Get the corresponding stored Hex in the grid.

push(...hexes: HexType[]): HexType

Adds a bunch of hexes to the grid

remove(hex: CubeCoordinates): HexType

Remove the corresponding stored Hex in the grid and return it.

recalibrate(): void

To call if you manually change the coordinates of an hex after it was added to the grid

distance(hex1: CubeCoordinates, hex2: CubeCoordinates): number

Get the distance between two hexes of the grid. Returns -1 if there's no path between the two hexes, or if one of the two hexes doesn't belong to the grid.

To get a bird's eye distance, use CubeCoordinates.distance().

neighbour(hex: CubeCoordinates, direction: Direction): HexType

Gets the neighbour of an hex, or undefined.

neighbours(hex: CubeCoordinates, direction: number = Direction.all): HexType[]

Gets the neighbours of an hex. You can use Direction.NorthEast | Direction.South | Direction.SouthEast to have multiple directions

rotateLeft(times: number = 1, center?: CubeCoordinates): Grid<HexType>

Rotates the whole grid counterclockwise relative to center. Each rotation is 60 °

rotateRight(times: number = 1, center?: CubeCoordinates): Grid<HexType>

Rotates the whole grid clockwise relative to center. Each rotation is 60 °

groups(hexes: HexType[]): Set<HexType>[]

Divides the givens hexes into groups. Each group is a set of adjacent hexes.

merge(...grids: Grid<HexType>[]): Grid<HexType>

Merges other grids into the current grid.

If hexes overlaps, the older hex is removed.

path(hex1: CubeCoordinates, hex2: CubeCoordinates): HexType[]

Get the shortest path between two hexes. Includes starting & destination hexes.

values(): IterableIterator

An iterator over the hexes

get size(): number

Number of hexes in the grid

Hex<Data=any> {q, r, s, data}

Implements the CubeCoordinates interface.

Hex(q: number = 0, r: number = 0, s: number = 0, data: Data = undefined)

Constructor, fills corresponding members with values

rotateLeft(times: number = 1, center?: CubeCoordinates): void

Rotates the hex counterclockwise relative to center. Each rotation is 60 °

rotateRight(times: number = 1, center?: CubeCoordinates): void

Rotates the hex clockwise relative to center. Each rotation is 60 °

hexagon<Data>(radius: number, options?: {center?: CubeCoordinates, data?: Data[]}) :Hex<Data>[]

Creates an hexagon with given radius, center, and each hex being initalized with data fed from data starting from the exterior ring of the hexagon

ring<Data>(radius: number, options?: {center?: CubeCoordinates, data?: Data[]}) :Hex<Data>[]

Creates a ring with given radius, center, and each hex being initalized with data fed from data starting from the north hexagon in a clockwise manner

CubeCoordinates {q, r, s}

static parse(s: string): CubeCoordinates

Parse a string of the form ${q}x${r}, for example 0x0 or 4x-1.

static distance(coord1: CubeCoordinates, coord2: CubeCoordinates): number

Distance between two hexes, assuming no obstructions

static translated(coord: CubeCoordinates, direction: Direction, n = 1): CubeCoordinates

Coordinates of the hex translated n times in direction.

static direction(coord1: CubeCoordinates, coord2: CubeCoordinates): Direction

One of the possible directions in order to get closer to coord2 from coord1 static toString(coord: CubeCoordinates): string

Opposite of parse

Direction {North, NorthEast, SouthEast, South, SouthWest, NorthWest, all}

static list(): Direction[]

Returns an array containing each direction

npm i hexagrid


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • coyotte508
  • released 2/22/2021

