
Heroku CLI plugin to list and create builds for Heroku apps

Heroku Builds

Heroku CLI plugin to list and create builds for Heroku apps.



heroku plugins:install heroku-builds

List builds

Lists 10 most recently created builds for example-app

heroku builds -a example-app

Optionally show more builds with the -n flag:

heroku builds -n 50 -a example-app

Build info

Show details of the latest build (status, buildpacks, date):

heroku builds:info -a example-app

For details of a specific build, provide an ID:

heroku builds:info <id> -a example-app

Create build from local dir

heroku builds:create -a example-app

Creates a .tar.gz archive from the current working directory, uploads the archive to Heroku and creates a build from the contents of the archive. Build output is streamed to stderr. Hitting ctrl+c will not cancel the build and release. The .git directory (if present) is excluded from the upload, as are items matching entries in the .gitignore file (if present).

You can pass an optional --version argument in lieu of a git commit messages. Example:

heroku builds:create --version "added foo feature" -a example-app

Create build from tarball URL

If you pass a --source-url argument to the create command, a build will be created from the contents of a tarball found at the URL. The current working directory contents is not used. Example:

heroku builds:create --source-url https://github.com/heroku/node-js-sample/archive/master.tar.gz -a example-app

As above, build output is streamed to stderr and an optional --version argument is supported.

Create build from local tarball

If you pass a --source-tar argument to the create command, a build will be created from the contents of a tarball found at the path given. The current working directory contents is not used. Example:

heroku builds:create --source-tar master.tar.gz -a example-app

As above, build output is streamed to stderr and an optional --version argument is supported.

Show build output

For the latest build output on an app, use either of the following:

heroku builds:output -a example-app
heroku builds:output current -a example-app

To view the output for a specific build:

heroku builds -a example-app # take note of the build ID you'd want to display
heroku builds:output <id> -a example-app

Purge build cache

heroku builds:cache:purge -a example-app

Clears the build cache, used by buildpacks to store information across builds

Cancel build

heroku builds -a example-app # take note of the build ID you'd want to display
heroku builds:cancel <id> -a example-app

Cancels the build for build


Contributions to the plugin are welcome. Report bugs and suggestions using GitHub Issues on the repository.


How come archive -> build upload is not streamed?

A Content-Size header is required when uploading to pre-signed S3 urls, so we have to create the archive and figure out how big it is before upload can begin.

npm i heroku-builds


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Michael Friis
  • released 10/31/2019
