
GraphQL Helix for your Cloudflare Workers
graphql subscriptions sse cloudflare cloudflare-workers graphql-helix


helix-flare helps you build GraphQL services on Cloudflare Workers® in an instant.

With help of the great library graphql-helix this is made possible.


  • Build GraphQL server on Cloudflare Workers in seconds
  • Delegate execution to Durable Objects. Workers will only act as a proxy.
  • Have one schema, resolve some things in your DO, others in the Worker
  • Add middlewares and context
  • Live subscriptions (over server-sent events)
  • Easy to use with envelop
  • Full type safety with Typescript


  • Combine multiple worker to one endpoint (stitch)


yarn add helix-flare

## or

npm install --save helix-flare


helixFlare(request: Request, schema: GraphQLSchema)

Returns: Promise<Response>

This will take a request from a worker (or durable object) and return a response via GraphQL.

All you need is:

import helixFlare from 'helix-flare'
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '@graphql-tools/schema'

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request) {
    const typeDefs = /* GraphQL */ `
      type Query {
        hello: String!
    const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
      resolvers: {
        Query: { user: () => 'Hello World 🌍' },

    return helixFlare(request, schema)

With just a few lines you got your GraphQL server up and running.

Example call to worker:

const workerURL = 'https://my.worker.dev/graphql'

fetch(workerURL, {
  body: JSON.stringify({ query: '{ hello }' }),
  method: 'POST',
  headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },

// ➜ 'Hello World 🌍'

Head to the GraphQL docs for more information on how to build a GraphQL server.

createExecutor(request, selectDurableObject)

Allows you to resolve a query by forwarding the request to a durable object. The durable object can be selected by inspecting the graphql query in the selectDurableObject callback.

Returns: AsyncExecutor

request: Request

The request passed to the worker or durable object.

selectDurableObject: (args, context) => Promise<DurableObjectStub>

With this callback function you can select which durable object this request should be delegated to.

import helixFlare, { createExecutor } from 'helix-flare'
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '@graphql-tools/schema'
import { wrapSchema } from '@graphql-tools/wrap'

export default {
  async fetch(request, env) {
    const schema = wrapSchema({
      schema: makeExecutableSchema({
        // type defs and resolvers here…
      // with this executor the requests will be delegated a durable object
      executor: createExecutor(request, async (args) => {
        return env.DURABLE_OBJECT.get(args.userId)

    return helixFlare(request, schema)


Returns: [emitter, resolver]

Inspired by hooks this function returns an emitter and a resolver as a tuple. With the emitter you can publish new events to the client. The resolver can just be used as is and put into the resolvers of your schema.


Type: string

An identifier for the subscription that is used internally.


Type: Function
Default: (value) => value

This is to make subscription emissions less verbose. See example below for more clarity.


Type: Function
Default: undefined

import helixFlare, { createSubscription } from 'helix-flare'
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '@graphql-tools/schema'

export default {
  async fetch(request, env) {
    const [emit, resolver] = createSubscription({
      topic: 'comments',

    const typeDefs = /* GraphQL */ `
      type Subscription {
        comments($id: ID!): [String!]!

    const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
      resolvers: {
        comments: {
          subscribe: resolver,

    return helixFlare(request, schema)

    // Now you can emit new comments like so:
    emit({ comments: 'This is a new comment 💬' })

To avoid repeating the need to emit the structure of the subscription resolver everytime you can use the resolve option:

const [emit, resolver] = createSubscription({
  topic: 'comments',
  resolve: (value) => ({ comments: value }),

// Now you can simply just emit the following
emit('This is a new comment 💬')

Usage with envelop

import helixFlare from 'helix-flare/envelop'
import { envelop, useSchema } from '@envelop/core'

const schema = `…`

const getEnvelopedFn = envelop({
  plugins: [
    // add other envelop plugins here…

// worker
export default {
  fetch(request: Request) {
    return helixFlare(request, getEnvelopedFn)


Simple resolver with arguments
import helixFlare from 'helix-flare'
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '@graphql-tools/schema'

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request) {
    const typeDefs = /* GraphQL */ `
      type Query {
        hello(name: String!): String!

    const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
      resolvers: {
        Query: {
          user: (_, { name }) => `Hello ${name}!`,

    return helixFlare(request, schema)
Delegate execution to durable objects
// worker.ts
import helixFlare, { createExecutor } from 'helix-flare'
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '@graphql-tools/schema'
import { wrapSchema } from '@graphql-tools/wrap'

const typeDefs = /* GraphQL */ `
  type Post {
    id: Int!
    title: String
    votes: Int

  type Mutation {
    upvotePost(postId: Int!): Post
export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env: Env) {
    const schema = wrapSchema({
      schema: makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs }),
      executor: createExecutor<{ postId?: string }>(request, async (args) => {
        if (!args.postId) {
          throw new Error('No postId argument found')

        const doId = env.PostDurableObject.idFromString(args.postId)
        return env.PostDurableObject.get(doId)

    return helixFlare(request, schema)
Subscriptions in a durable object over server-sent events

Subscriptions work out of the box with SSE. They can be done in worker but will be used in durable objects most of the time.

Shared schema:

// schema.ts
const schema = /* GraphQL */ `
  type Post {
    id: Int!
    votes: Int

  type Subscription {
    Returns the positions for given live Id
    subscribePostVotes(postId: Int!): Int!

  type Mutation {
    upvotePost(postId: Int!): Post
export default schema
// worker.ts
import helixFlare, { createExecutor } from 'helix-flare'
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '@graphql-tools/schema'
import { wrapSchema } from '@graphql-tools/wrap'
import typeDefs from './schema'

export { Post } from './PostObject'

// ExportedHandler from `@cloudflare/workers-types`
type WorkerType = ExportedHandler<{ PostDurableObject: DurableObjectStub }>

const Worker: WorkerType = {
  async fetch(request, env) {
    const schema = wrapSchema({
      schema: makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs }),
      executor: createExecutor(request, async (args, context) => {
        if (!args.postId) {
          throw new Error('No postId argument found')

        const doId = env.PostDurableObject.idFromString(args.postId)

        return env.PostDurableObject.get(doId)

    return helixFlare(request, schema)

export default Worker
// PostObject.ts
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '@graphql-tools/schema'
import { wrapSchema } from '@graphql-tools/wrap'
import helixFlare, { createExecutor, createSubscription } from 'helix-flare'
import typeDefs from './typedefs'

export class Post implements DurableObject {
  private likes = 0

  async fetch() {
    const [emitLikes, likesSubscriptionResolver] = createSubscription<
      { subscribePostVotes: number }
      topic: 'likes',
      resolve: (value) => ({ subscribePostVotes: value }),
      getInitialValue: () => this.likes,

    const resolvers = {
      Mutation: {
        upvotePost: () => {

          return { likes: this.likes, id: this.state.id }
      Subscription: {
        subscribePostVotes: {
          subscribe: likesSubscriptionResolver,

    const schema = makeExecutableSchema({

    return helixFlare(request, schema)
Combine multiple worker to one endpoint (stitching)


npm i helix-flare


  • MIT
  • >=16
  • Unknown
  • released 4/1/2022
