
A simple HAPI plug-in for mocking endpoints
hapi mock


Hapi server plugin for adding mock behavior to endpoints.

Build Status Coverage Status node code style Types License Status

Tested with Hapi 19/20 on Node 12/14/16.


npm install hapi-mock


This plugin provides a simple way to add mock behavior to Hapi endpoints. It is experimental at this point of time.

v2 is going away from jexl expressions towards es6 conditions. And it provides TypeScript support.



The plugin is registered with the Hapi server something like this:

const Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi');
const hapiMock = require('hapi-mock');

// ...

const mock = {
  plugin: hapiMock,
  options: { // registration options
    triggerByHeader: true, // this is the default
    headerName: 'x-hapi-mock', // this is the default

await server.register(mock);

Your route configuration might look like this (referring to specific mock cases as a separate module):

const myMocks = require('./my-mocks'); // separate module

  method: 'GET',
  path: '/example/{id}',
  options: {
    // ...
    plugins: {
      'hapi-mock': { // add mock behavior to this endpoint
        mocks: myMocks,
  // ...

The file my-mocks.js provides some mock cases, e.g.,

module.exports = [{
  condition: ({ params }) => params.id === '4711',
  code: 418,
}, {
  condition: ({ query }) => query.id === 'foo',
  type: 'application/json',
  body: {
    bar: 'qux',
}, {
  condition: ({ headers }) => headers['x-mock-case'] === '13',
  code: 200, // this is the default
  type: 'text/plain', // this is the default
  body: 'case 13',
  headers: {
    'x-mock-foo': 'bar',

condition gets the Hapi request object as an input parameter and returns true if the mock case is applicable. There are response parameters code (default 200 or 204), type (default text/plain), body (default empty), and headers (default {}) to specify the mock behavior. See below for details.


Types for TypeScript are provided. A typical mock file looks like this:

import * as hapiMock from 'hapi-mock';

export default [{
  title: 'case 4711',
  condition: ({ params }) => params.id === '4711',
  code: 418,
  body: '4711',
}, ...] as hapiMock.MockCase[];


Register Options

In TypeScript it's hapiMock.RegisterOptions. Properties are:

  • triggerByHeader (optional, boolean, default is true) -- When to apply mocks (provided that an endpoint has mocks configured). If true, mocks are only applied when the request header x-hapi-mock is set (any value). If false mocks are always applied.

  • headerName (optional, string, default is x-hapi-mock) -- As request header, it must be set to activate mocks (unless triggerByHeader is false). As response header, it tells which mock case was actually applied (if any).

  • continueIfNoneMatch (optional, boolean, default is true) -- What should be done if mocks are configured with an endpoint but none is matching. If true, the request is passed on. If false, the response is status code 422 "Unprocessable Entity".

Route Options

In TypeScript it's hapiMock.RouteOptions. Properties are:

  • mocks (required, Array) -- List of mock cases for the respective endpoint.

  • continueIfNoneMatch (optional, boolean, default is the register option continueIfNoneMatch above) -- What should be done if mocks are configured with an endpoint but none is matching. If true, the request is passed on. If false, the response is status code 422 "Unprocessable Entity".

Mock Cases

In TypeScript it's hapiMock.MockCase. Properties are:

  • title (required, string) -- A descriptive title of the mock case.

  • condition (required, a function (request: Hapi.Request) => boolean) -- The condition when the mock case applies.

  • code (optional, number, default is 200 or 204) -- The response's status code.

  • type (optional, string, default is text/plain) -- The response's content-type.

  • body (optional, string or any object) -- The response's body.

  • headers (optional, an object) -- The response's specific headers.


  • MIT
  • >=10.0.0
  • Frank Thelen
  • released 8/8/2019

